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Today started like any normal weekday morning in the Lopez house. Colby woke up, showered and worked out before calling in to check on the coffee shop and school after waking up the sleeping seven year old from her slumber.

To say Cali Lopez was the light of her father's life would be an understatement. She was the one that kept him sane in the crazy world, she was the one to get him through the dark times and the chaos that came with his life.

"5 + 5" Colby said as he watched the stoplight change from red to green and he pressed on the gas causing the car to charge forward

"10" he heard the little voice answer him from the backseat

"Perfect!" He exclaimed "You're going to do great on this math test" he said as he looked at her little eyes in the backseat as she smiled

"Miss Quin said if we all do good we get a party on Friday" the little girl announced and Colby smiled

"Well let's hope other parents practice with their kids as much as you and I have over the last few days" he said as he pulled into the school parking lot "You have my conference today too" the little girl reminded him and he nodded

"I will be here at 3:30 to pick you up and take you to Nana's and then I'm coming back here to hear all about what your teacher thinks of you" he said and he saw the nervous look in his daughter's eyes "Should I be nervous about what she's going to say?" He asked and the little girl shook her head

"I'm nice" she said quickly

After dropping Cali off at school, Colby went ahead with his normal day. Going to the wrestling school before running whatever errands that needed to be done that day before he would go by the coffee shop for his afternoon pick-me-up. He picked up Cali from school like he said he would and took her to his mother's house where the little girl would start on her homework with the help of her grandmother.

Colby walked into the elementary school, checking in at the front desk before making his way to the second grade hallway. He came to a stop outside of the classroom door and watched a few other parents walking out with a smile and paperwork in their hands. Going to Parent teacher conferences weren't something he'd ever thought he would be doing in his life.

He stood in the door and watched her for a second, she was working on putting the chairs up on the desks. Colby was the last conference for the day and he knew that so he understood her wanting to get everything together so she could leave as soon as it was over.

He knocked gently on the door as he walked in the room, shutting the door behind him and she turned to look at him with a smile.

"Mr.Lopez" she smiled as she walked towards him

"Miss Quin" he said with the same polite smile as he shook her hand as she walked towards the door and seeing the principal walking past the classroom with a smile as he saw the parent and teacher talking and he nodded

She moved to the door, locking it and pulling the blind down quickly before turning back to him as he shook his head with a smirk.

"Colby" she said

"Rebecca" he said and in an instant she was in his arms

She felt herself being picked up as his lips attached to hers eagerly and he moved towards one of the tables, sitting her down as her legs wrapped around him, pulling him in closer. He stopped as his eyes opened and he looked at her.

"Are we really about to have sex in a classroom?" He asked

"Has it stopped us before?" She questioned

"We were in a supply closet last time" he said and she laughed with a shake of her head

"I really don't want to have sex with you where my daughter and other children learn how to read" he said and she sighed loudly as she unwrapped her legs as she let him go

"Fine" she grumbled

"Hey" he shook his head "This isn't on me, this is on you" he pointed at her "You can't be in a relationship with one of your students parents remember? Or you're gonna get fired"

"There comes a time in your life where you just want to let them fire ya" she shrugged and he rolled his eyes

"You won't be saying that when they actually do if they find out"

"I'll choose you over this job every day"

"I won't let you do that" he shook his head

"So what's your plan? We just keep sneaking around for the rest of this relationship?"

"No" he shook his head "We just keep up this facade until you marry me and then we're all good"

"Marry you?" She asked with a laugh

"What? You're not going to?"

"You haven't asked" she smiled at him

"Patience Miss Quin. Patience" 

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