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The following morning Colby woke up and looked around the room to see it was empty. Nothing felt out of place, nothing felt different until he saw the papers sitting on the dresser and then the argument of last night came crashing back to him.

He showered and got dressed before walking down to the kitchen where Rebecca and Cali were mixing batter in a glass bowl.

"Chocolate chip or blueberry?" Rebecca looked at the little girl

"Chocolate chip!" Cali exclaimed as she jumped off the counter to grab the chocolate chips from the cabinet

"Good morning" Colby said as he walked in slowly

"Morning Daddy" Cali smiled as she poured the chips into the batter as Rebecca mixed it

"Good morning Rebecca" he said and the redhead's eyes met his before looking back down at the batter

The silent treatment. He could tell by that first interaction how his day was going to go.

"Are you guys okay?" Cali asked as she sat at the table looking between Rebecca and Colby

"We're fine" Colby nodded "Right Rebecca?"

"Perfect" Rebecca nodded as she kissed Cali's head before moving towards the Keurig to grab her coffee

"Should you be drinking that?" Colby asked and she turned around to face him "It's not good for.." He trailed off as he looked over at Cali who was more interested in her school work than them

"Wow.." Rebecca nodded as she put the sugar and milk in the mug with the coffee "So that's a risk you actually tell me"

"Rebecca" he shook his head

"It's decaf" she said quickly before walking out of the kitchen

"I don't know what you did to her" Cali shook her head and Colby looked at her "but you messed up big time"

"You don't even know the half of it" he shook his head

"How are you gonna fix this one?" The little girl asked as she continued working on her math assignment

"Let me worry about that" he said as he began to walk out of the kitchen

"Take chocolate with you!" The little girl exclaimed and he rolled his eyes

He walked into the master bedroom and watched Rebecca standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom as she did her hair for the day. He moved next to her, grabbing his toothbrush in silence.

"We need to talk about this" he said and she laughed "Why is that funny?" He asked as he brushed his teeth

"When you say we need to talk.. it's funny considering you've already made up your mind on what we are going to do" she stated coldly

"How do you know what I'm going to say?" He asked as he spit the toothpaste into the sink

"Okay.." She nodded "I'll play along.. tell me what we are going to do" she looked at him

"We are going to talk to the doctor and find out what he thinks we need to do and if he says its not the best idea.." He said

"Abso-fucking-lutely not" she placed the curling iron on the counter and unplugged it "I mean it" she looked him the eyes "No" she shook her head

"And this is why we need to talk about it"

"There's nothing to talk about.. I'm not terminating" she said seriously "I don't give a fuck what you or this doctor say"

"So if you're not going to listen to me or the professional why are we going to the doctor today?"

"Because I'd like to know how long this kid has been growing inside me" she placed a hand on her flat abdomen and she could see it in his eyes, he wanted to place his hand where hers was but he refrained

Holly came over a few hours later to be with Cali while Colby and Rebecca went to the doctor.

Colby found himself in the familiar office of Doctor Reed. He had been in this office multiple times when Heather was pregnant, and most people would find it awkward to be in the same office with two different women but in this situation he honestly didn't care.

He watched the nurse take blood and vitals from Rebecca, go over her health history before Dr.Reed came in the room, He shook hands with the couple before performing the short physical exam.

"Is this pregnancy a good idea for her?" Colby spoke up as Rebecca looked over at him with a glare

"Well I'm going to be honest with both of you, after going over Rebecca's chart and knowing the plates and rods in your back" the doctor looked at Rebecca "It is not going to be easy on you" he shook his head "but no pregnancy is ever easy, with that being said that is not to sway you one way or another.. this will test you and it will be painful the further along you get. When it comes to birth.. that is another subject that will be tricky, if you two choose to continue with the pregnancy"

"We are" Rebecca nodded, she wasn't giving Colby the opportunity to speak on that matter

"We will discuss the options when you get closer to delivery but we are going to try our hardest to avoid a C-Section, we don't want to risk that spinal block messing anything up and having lasting effects on you" he said and the redhead nodded "As far as a normal vaginal birth, that is what we want for all mothers.. you won't be able to have an epidural due to the placement of it and the pressure that will happen during labor will be worse due to the already present back issues" he explained

"I just want to make sure the baby is fine and healthy.. I can handle pain" Rebecca said

"Well.. do you two want to do the ultrasound and we can find out how far along you are?" He asked and Rebecca nodded "Lay back for me" he said and Rebecca followed his instructions

The cold gel on her lower abdomen made her shiver slightly. The transducer was placed with light but firm pressure and the once black screen came to life. The doctor looked around for a few seconds.

"This whole thing is your uterus" he explained motioning to the screen "and this right here.." He pressed a few buttons "Mom and Dad.. say hi to your little one" he said and they saw the tiny figure on the screen, it's tiny limbs barely poking out from its body but the could see it move around slightly

"Oh my god" Rebecca's hand went over her mouth as tears formed in her eyes and she looked over at Colby who had the same look on his face "That's our baby.." She said in a whisper

"It is" he said quietly as his eyes stayed glued on the screen

"You are measuring at 8 weeks and 2 days" Dr. Reed stated with a smile

"Everything is okay?" Rebecca asked

"This is exactly what I'm looking for at this stage" the doctor nodded "Everything looks perfect" 

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