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A/N!: All events ahead are purely fiction..SENSITIVE CONTENT AHEAD! Read at your own risk! 

Like every typical morning during the week, Colby dropped Cali off at school before going to do his workout at the school and leading the class for the day. It was a typical Tuesday, nothing crazy was happening besides Cali's class hat parade later in the day.

Rebecca actually got a call from her former school saying they needed a substitute for the rest of the week and after talking to the district they agreed that she would be the best fit because she knew the curriculum and she knew the students.

So for the first time in a long time he dropped not just Cali but Rebecca as well off at school. The two walking hand in hand in the school that morning made him smile. Even though she wouldn't be teaching Cali's class she would be just three doors down.

After the wrestling class was over and all students were dismissed Colby quickly helped Nick clean up the school and put the equipment back in its proper place before going to the coffee shop for lunch where he would respond to missed messages from a few different people who were wanting to do business with him in the future.

He walked into his mother's house around 1PM that day and saw the fear in her eyes.

"What?" Colby questioned

"Why are you here?" She asked

"Am I not supposed to be here? I'm here everyday and I was supposed to come pick you up for this parade in an hour"

"You don't know.." Holly shook her head

"Don't know what?"

"The school is on lockdown" she reached for the remote and turned up the tv

The local new station was on the air with breaking news. In bright bold letters it said the local elementary school was in lock down. The images on the screen showed a swat team and multiple angles from a helicopter of the school.

"There is a suspected person or persons in the school armed with a weapon, we have heard shots fired and the Police force are awaiting back up from the SWAT Team before entering the school" the news anchor reported

"No..No.." Colby quickly ran out the door with his mother running closely behind him

Meanwhile in the school, Rebecca was quietly locking the classroom door as she ushered the students as calmly as possible in the closet

"Shhh" she shushed them "Very very quiet.." She said and they all looked up at her innocently as they huddled together against the wall "We're gonna see how long we can be quiet.. starting now, if you guys are quiet as little mice we'll have a party next week.. no talking, no moving" she said calmly and the students nodded


The sound of gunshots ricocheted off the walls.

This was an elementary school, what did these poor little children do to be put in the middle of this?

After hearing more gunshots ring out there was a loud bang at the door and the sound of a SWAT Team officer announcing himself.

Rebecca quickly moved to the door, looked through the tiny window and unlocked it.

"Come on guys.." Rebecca motioned to her students "hands on your head and move quick and stay close to each other and quiet" she said quickly

She insured each one of her students were out of the class room behind the officer before she was.

Running out of the school and towards the other waiting classes, she began to count her kids, all were accounted for.

She looked around at the rest of the second graders that were being taken to a safe place away from the school and found Cali's teacher.

"Do you have everybody?" She questioned as they moved quickly

"I'm missing one" the teacher said quickly "The officer said they are on it"

"Who?" She questioned and she started looked for the tiny brunette in the bright pink shirt and she couldn't find her "Where is Cali?!" She practically yelled

"She was in getting a drink at the water fountain when it all happened.. the police are looking"

"Take them" she motioned to her class and began running back to the school

"Where are you going?" The police chief questioned "You can't go in there" he shook his head as he grabbed her arm "there is still armed gunmen in there"

"My daughter is in there alone" she stated as she shook her arm free of the police chief and began running back into the school

Colby's car came to a stop while he was already jumping out of it as he watched Rebecca running into the school doors

"What is she doing?" He asked the principal and two police officers grabbed him to hold him back "Why is she running back in?!" He yelled

"Cali's in there" Miss hunters, a third grade science teacher stated

"WHAT?!?" He yelled "Let go of me!" He fought with everything in him to break free but more officers quickly surrounded him and held him back


The loud bang erupted from the school and debris began falling from the sky, concrete and foundation landing all around them.

"We're going to need the bomb squad here immediately" the police chief said quickly

Rebecca had just ran back in that school not even five seconds before the bomb went off, his daughter was in there.. That's all he could think about.

His whole world was in that school. 

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