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The bomb squad arrived at the school in record time but not before one more explosion happened.

All students and staff were evacuated safely and taken for medical evaluations with just some minor injuries to a few.

The gunmen were identified as two local gang members who were high on narcotics and apprehended by the SWAT Team and disarmed before being taken into custody.

The school was in shambles and it was going to take a long time for them to recover from this tragedy physically, as well as mentally.

All the staff and students that day had gone through an experience only they would be able to share, it was an unimaginable tragedy.

As parents started picking up their students, teachers and staff started checking in with loved ones.

Meanwhile Colby and Holly were waiting with the police chief, a few officers and the paramedics as the SWAT Team cleared the rest of the school and searched for Cali and Rebecca.

"It's taking too long" Colby shook his head as he paced back and forth
"They're going to find them" Holly stated quickly "there's only so many places in that school to hide"
"That's what I'm terrified of.." Colby looked at her "you heard her substitute teacher... she was out in the hallway when this all started"
"Don't think like that" Holly shook her head "she's a smart girl, she's strong.. she would have hidden somewhere"
"I promised her I would always be there to protect her.. and all I can see is her face, so terrified and crying for me"
"Colby" Holly grabbed her son by the shoulders and just wrapped her arms around him

He was starting to spiral back into this dark hole he was in when Heather died.. she could see it in his eyes.

"We need the paramedics!" An officer yelled out and Colby and Holly broke apart as they saw the paramedics running towards the entrance of the school and they ran as well

Running into the entrance they saw Rebecca carrying Cali, both of their outfits soaked in red.

"What do we have?" A paramedic questioned as he took Cali from Rebecca's arms
"Seven year old, head trauma and possible shrapnel in the left shoulder. We found them huddled in the art room" the officer explained
"Cali!" Colby pushed his way through the paramedics "Cali.."
"Daddy" she said in a whisper as her little eyes landed on his
"Oh my god Cali!" He grabbed her hand gently "Don't you ever scare me like that again!"
"Rebecca.." the little girl tried to look around and Colby's eyes landed on Rebecca who was being treated by a separate team and she looked far more serious than his little girl
"Pulse is low" the paramedic said as they gently placed Rebecca on gurney
"Ow.. Ow.." Rebecca whispered
"Hey.." Colby moved to her now "Hey.. you're okay" he nodded as he placed a kiss on her head
"We've got to move her" the paramedic stated urgently
"Go with Cali" Rebecca  said quietly
"I'm not leaving you" he shook his head
"Go with her.." she said once more and he watched her eyes close
"Rebecca! No!" He grabbed onto her hand tightly but she didn't grab back

He watched the paramedics load Rebecca in one ambulance while Cali was being loaded in another.

He had never felt more torn in his life.

The entire ride to the hospital was silent besides Cali being monitored and consent forms being signed.

Cali would need to be taken in for surgery to remove the shrapnel from her shoulder.

Rebecca on the other hand.. wasn't doing well.

Cali revealed to them what had happened.

"The bad guy hit us.." she said "the big boom went off and my shoulder started hurting and then the bad guy came in the room and bang! Bang! Bang!" She exclaimed
"Did he shoot at you?" The police officer that was in the ambulance asked
"He shot Rebecca.. she put me on the ground and covered me" the little girl had tears rolling down her face
"Rebecca sacrificed herself" the officer nodded as he wrote in his notebook
"Rebecca saved you" Colby said in a whisper and Cali nodded

Once arriving at the hospital, Cali was checked over, quickly before being taken into the Operating Room.

Colby searched for his mother who rode with Rebecca and he didn't have far to look when he found her waiting in a waiting room.

The look of terror and sadness written all over her face.

"Mom.." he said quietly as he walked up to her and she shook her head "No.."
"She coded a few times on the way here.. there was so much blood.. she lost a lot" his mother explained in horror
"Mom where is she now?" He was trying his best to not lose control
"She's in surgery.. they said that she's touch and go right now.. they don't know if she's going to pull through.. there is a bullet lodged in between her vertebrae and it's in a tricky spot.. they can't keep it there but if they remove it they are also risking her either bleeding out or being paralyzed from where it is.. they don't know if she does make it through if she will ever be the same after"

This was the second woman in his life that had sacrificed themselves to save his daughter.

He was getting tired of this sick joke that the universe was playing on him.

"Do you know what the hardest part of all of this is?" He questioned as he leaned against the wall "Out of all of the emotional trauma and fear that I'm feeling right now.." he shook his head "Do you know what the worst part of
It is?"
"What?" Holly asked quietly
"I have to call her mom" he said "I have to call her parents and tell them" he took a deep breath "Why the fuck am I having to call the mother of the woman I love and tell her that her daughter might not make it? Why the fuck am I having to do that twice in my life?!" He yelled "What did I do to deserve this? What messed up thing in my life did I do that I have to go through this again?!" Tears were now falling from both mother and son
"Nothing" Holly grabbed her son's face "You have done nothing wrong!"
"Yes I have!" He yelled
"What? What did you possibly do that could have caused either of these situations?!"
"I loved them! I loved heather, she saved my daughter, she died. I'm in love with Rebecca, she saved my daughter, and we don't know if she lives or dies.." he shook his head "I caused this because I fell in love with them!"

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