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More time passed. Weeks in fact, weeks of intense therapy. Weeks of standing and taking a few steps on the treadmill in therapy before her body would give out on her. It was a frustrating time in the household and everybody felt it.

There wasn't one person in that house that didn't feel the effect of it.

Besides Rebecca, Colby felt it the most because he was the one directly responsible for helping her do everything.

Cali felt it even though neither Colby nor Rebecca wanted her to. The now eight year old was juggling homeschool, dance class and trying to help Rebecca if she could.

Holly felt it from afar because her son would randomly lash out at her and feel bad about it three seconds later.

It was frustrating and trying time for everyone, they were tested beyond measure.

Rebecca sat on the edge of the bed and eyed the walker that was in the corner of the room. She had been given the walker at therapy to help keep her balance while she stood so she wouldn't need someone to hold her up.

"Cali.." Rebecca looked over at the little girl who was doing her schoolwork on the bed "Can you grab me that" she pointed to the walker and the little girl put her pencil down and rolled off the bed

"You can call it what it is" Cali said as she brought the walker over

"No.. don't give it power" Rebecca shook her head and the little girl looked at her anxiously, she had never tried to stand on her own even with the walker, she was always helped into a standing position before holding to it for balance

"Are you sure about this?" Cali asked

"Do you believe in me?" Rebecca questioned and the little girl nodded "Then I'm sure" she said

It took a few minutes but she stood up, shakily but she was standing.

"Go get your dad" Rebecca said

"I don't wanna leave you.. what if you fall?" Cali shook her head

"Cali.. go get your dad" Rebecca said sternly "Run!" She said and the little ran out of the room quickly

Colby quickly rushed into the room afraid of what he was going to find but instead of the worst, he found Rebecca standing by the side of the bed, unassisted.

"What are you doing?" He asked as he walked over to her and grabbed her arms

"I wanna try.." She looked him in the eyes "I wanna try to walk"

"I don't know" Colby shook his head "The therapist said-"

"Screw what the therapist said!" She cut him off "This is my body and I want to try"

"Just let her try.." Cali shrugged

"What do you want me to do?"

"Just stand behind me and if I start to fall, catch me"

Colby was unsure about this whole scenario. He wanted to listen to the doctors and therapists, to the professionals but his ever so stubborn and persistent girlfriend had different ideas.

He stood behind her, arms just under hers as his hand her onto her waist. Cali stood in front of the redhead after moving the walker out of the way and Rebecca held onto her hands gently.

Everyone was nervous for this. Was it going to work? Was she actually going to take a step? Would she crumble to the floor after half a second? They were all worried.

"Baby step" Cali said as she watched Rebecca's feet closely "Little baby step.. go" she said but nothing moved "Come on" Cali said with a nod, they watched Rebecca's feet slowly shift across the carpet "That wasn't a step" Cali shook her head "That was a shuffle"

"Cali.. chill dude" Colby looked around Rebecca at his daughter

"No" Rebecca shook her head "She's right"

"You can do better than that" the little girl stated and Colby saw the look in Rebecca's eyes, the look in Cali's eyes.. Cali was challenging her, she was purposefully trying to get Rebecca worked up and angry

"Cali.." Colby warned

"Come on.." Cali looked at Rebecca with a nod "You're making us just stand here for nothing"

"Cali Marie!" Colby scolded and his daughter's eyes met his "Enough!" He said as Rebecca leaned back into him

"I'm just trying to encourage!" The little girl argued

"You are being mean" Colby said "You can encourage her but do it nicely" he said and the little girl let out a sigh

"Fine" she huffed and remained quiet for a moment "Do you want cheese?" The little girl looked up at Rebecca

"Why would I want cheese?" Rebecca asked with a laugh

"I dunno.. I just saw when babies are learning to walk, they walk for food" she shrugged

"Oh my god" Colby shook his head with a laugh

"I don't want cheese" Rebecca laughed, for the first time in a long time in that moment they were all laughing.. they were happy "Thank you for that though.." She squeezed the little girl's hands "I needed that" she nodded with a smile

One step became two, then three, then four. Then they were out of the bedroom and walking down the hallway slowly. Yes she was still being held onto by Colby behind her and Cali's hands in front of her but she was doing this all on her own.

"You're doing it!" Cali exclaimed with a smile "Go Becca Go!" She jumped up and down

She made it slowly but surely to the living room, where Colby help sit her on the couch.

"I'm tired now" she nodded

"I bet" he smiled as Cali took off towards the kitchen and returned with water "That took a lot out of you"

"I did it" she smiled and he placed a gentle kiss to her lips

"You did it baby" he kissed her once more

"See.. I told ya tough love works" Cali said with a nod

"I'm getting stronger everyday.." Rebecca nodded 

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