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Colby watched his daughter running up and down the field with her teammates as they passed the soccer ball around in an attempt to score a goal. As he sat in the stands he was in between his mother and Heather's.

"GO CALI!" His mother yelled from beside him as she stood up and waved her little pompom in the air "THATS MY GIRL!" She exclaimed "WOOO!" She jumped up and down and Colby just shook his head

"Mom!" He said as he grabbed his mother's arm and pulled her back down next to him

"Too much?" Holly questioned

"Ya think?" He questioned "I am embarrassed for her" he looked at his daughter who currently kicked the ball down the field

"You said she needed a cheering section!"

"I didn't mean a literal cheerleading squad" he shook his head

"Out of all the sports.." Nancy spoke up from his left and he looked over at her "Soccer was not the one I thought she'd choose"

"Me either.." Colby shook his head "I said gymnastics"

"Heather always said softball" Nancy said and Colby nodded, he remembered those conversations

Many conversations and bets were placed on what their daughter would like, who she would act like and what she would do. Colby said she was going to be the ultimate girly girl but Heather on the other hand was convinced she was going to be into sports and be a tomboy.. so far, Cali was somewhere in the middle.

"When is Rebecca getting here?" Nancy questioned

"She will be here after she finishes up her speech at the school board.. which should be soon"

"I'm very excited to meet her" she nodded

"She's excited to meet you.." Colby smiled "A little nervous but excited mainly"

"Why would she be nervous? It's not like I have any say so over who you date" she shook her head

"You kinda do" he nodded "and marry by the way.. not date"

"Same difference" she shrugged him off with her hand "Even if you're married.."

"Never stop dating her" he finished the sentence for her with a nod, Heather's father Thomas used to always say that to him

"I miss my Tommy.. If only he could be here to see his granddaughter now.." She shook her head with a small smile and Colby wrapped an arm around her "but lord knows he probably would have had the girl working on a car from the time she could stand like he did her mother"

"I guess that's the racing part of the family for ya" Colby shrugged

Tommy, Heather's father was a pretty famous stock car driver in the 80s at the local dirt track, he retired when Heather was three but he was always tinkering with something on a car, even if it wasn't broken.

"Hey!" Rebecca said as she walked up the bleachers slowly with a smile

"Hi beautiful" Colby stood up quickly as he grabbed her hand and placed a gentle kiss to her lips

"Hi dear" Holly smiled "Here's your pompom" she handed her future daughter-in-law the plastic stick with streamers

"Thanks" Rebecca looked at Colby with a laugh as he rolled his eyes "How's it going?" She looked to the field to find Cali

"We're winning if that tells you anything" Colby nodded "Rebecca" he turned to Nancy "This is Nancy, Nancy this is Rebecca" he introduced the two as they shook hands

"It's nice to finally meet you Rebecca" Nancy smiled "I've heard so many things about you from this one" she motioned to Colby with her shoulder

"All good I hope" Rebecca nodded as she sat next to Colby

"Of course" Nancy smiled

The two women made small talk as Colby and Holly watched the game. It was nice to hear Nancy talking freely with Rebecca, and it seemed to be going great. Colby knew Nancy approved almost immediately because he saw the look on her face, Nancy was never one to hide her reactions and emotions to things.. if she didn't like something or someone you could tell almost instantly.. but thank god she liked Rebecca or he didn't know what he would do.

Once the final whistle blew and the game was over, they made there way down the bleachers as Cali walked up with a smile.

"Did you see? I scored three goals!" She exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around her grandmother's

"We did see that" Colby nodded as he kissed her head "Did you hear your Nana?"

"How could I not?" Cali looked up at Holly with a smile "the entire team heard you"

"Well good! Maybe these other parents will perk up from now on!" Holly nodded

"Is she always like this?" Rebecca asked and Nancy silently nodded

"You should have seen her at Colby's basketball and baseball games in high school" she said and Rebecca laughed

After saying their goodbyes to the grandparents, the family decided to get dinner quickly at the diner downtown before heading home.

Colby was finishing up with his shower when Rebecca walked into there room with a smile.

"Meeting Nancy went well" she nodded as he wrapped his arms around her

"It did.. I don't know what I would have done if she didn't like you.. We may have had an issue" he said with wide eyes

"Well thank goodness that didn't happen" she placed a quick kiss to his lips

"Cali asleep?" He asked

"Almost.. She's showered, teeth brushed, hair braided and almost asleep.. her uniform is soaking in bleach to get the grass stains out and all of her bruises and cuts on her legs and arms are cleaned and bandaged up"

"Best mom in the world award goes to.." He said and she pointed to herself

"Well thank you" she said with a bow "It is a very prestigious award" she said with a smile and he laughed

"Not many people get that award.. you're lucky" he nodded

He watched her from the edge of their bed as she went through her nightly routine, taking her makeup off, washing her face, putting her hair up in a bun on the top of her head, and slip into her favorite leggings and one of his black t-shirts that were too big for her.

"What?" She asked as she brushed her teeth and he shook his head

"You're gorgeous" he shrugged "Just admiring" he smiled

She walked over to him slowly and wrapped her arms around his neck as he kissed her slowly.

"I almost forgot.. the most important part of my day!" She said as she pulled away from him and he watched her dig around in her purse

"Did the school board say yes to your proposal for the gun safety classes?" He asked as she walked back over to him with papers in her hand

"They said they would vote on it and get back to me" she nodded "But that's not the important part"

"Did you finally get the marriage license from the courthouse so we can get this wedding on the road?"

"No" she shook her head as she sat on his lap "Better than that" she nodded and she handed him the papers and he began looking them over

"You got cleared from your doctor" he smiled

"I did" she nodded "No more therapy needed.. I'm all good" she smiled

"Finally!" He exclaimed, it had been a long time coming and a lot of hard work to get to that moment so the feeling of relief was overwhelming

"The best part is on this last page" she said turning the pages quickly and she showed it to him and his eyes met hers "I'm pregnant" she said in a whisper 

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