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Two weeks later...

Rebecca found herself sitting in between Cali and Holly in her living room.

They had all gathered to watch Colby's TV return that night, he had been on the road doing house shows and backstage at the last few Monday Night RAW's but there was no plan for him until tonight.

"So you're having another girl" Holly smiled at her daughter-in-law "how do you feel?"
"Amazing" Rebecca nodded "I would have loved this baby no matter what the gender ended up being but the fact that it is a little girl and I get to have that experience.. even though I love my relationship with Cali it's going to be something to go through this experience and journey from the very beginning"
"And how does my son feel about having another daughter?"
"He's coming around to it" she nodded
"Daddy wanted a boy" Cali spoke up
"Your daddy wanted a healthy baby first and foremost but if got to choose he would have chosen to have a boy"
"He always said he was going to have all boys, the entire time he was growing up when you asked him what he was going to be like as a parent it was always he's going to take his boys to football and wrestling practice" Holly tried her best macho voice "And in reality.."
"He's taking his girls to gymnastics and ballet class" Rebecca smiled at Cali
"Truth be told I'm glad he's getting all girls" Holly stated
"Why?" Rebecca asked with a laugh
"Because it levels him.. it brings him down a couple of notches and if he didn't have women whether it's you, heather or the two tiny ones in his life.." she shook her head "well you've seen him dear, he'd be a complete.." she thought for a moment
"Disaster?" Cali spoke up
"Exactly" Holly nodded

They watched the show and saw a large man come out, he was a former UFC Fighter.. Brock Lesnar.

They watched as his advocate cut a promo, better than a lot they'd heard in the show previously before hearing music that was unknown to them and then they saw Colby.. or better known on TV as Seth.

"This isn't good" Cali shook her head as she watched her father charge towards the ring

They watched Brock completely dismantle him. He was thrown around like a piece of paper but he refused to stay down.

"Just stay down.." Rebecca said quietly as she ran her hand through Cali's hair as the little girl had her face buried in Rebecca's side
"I don't like it" Cali shook her head
"That makes three of us" Holly said as she winced in pain at the image of her son who was bleeding in a few spots

After the show was over, Holly took Cali to her house for a sleepover and Rebecca waited up for her husband. Seeing as how the show was only an hour away, he was making the drive home that night.

She sat on the couch as she heard the car pull in the driveway. She heard him make his way up the steps and through the front door.

She stared at him as he walked in and he froze when he saw the look on her face.

"Shirt Off" she said slowly as she stood up from the couch
"Rebecca.." he said with a laugh as she walked towards him with her arms folded across her chest
"Shirt. Off" she said once more and he nodded as he pulled his shirt off and he watched her, as she walked around him, running her hand gently over him as she examined even the tiniest difference on his skin
"Rebecca..." he said as she came back in front of him and she looked up at him with tears forming in her eyes "don't cry baby" he shook his head "I'm fine" he nodded
"Do not EVER do that again!" She said "Don't you ever keep me in the dark like that again!" She said sternly and he nodded
"I'm sorry" he said in a whisper and she wrapped her arms around him gently as he pulled her into his chest and he kissed her head
"Scared the shit out of me" she said and he nodded
"Where's Cali?"
"With your mom.. who is mad at you by the way.. and so is Cali" She looked up at him and he leaned away from her to look her in the eyes
"So three out of the four women in my life are mad at me at the same time" he nodded
"Four out of the four women in your life are mad at you" she corrected him "She's mad at you too" she pointed to her bump
"Well I've already apologized to one of the four, I'll apologize to my mom and Cali tomorrow" he said
"She deserves an apology too since you put her through it too" she said and he stared at her before he nodded as  he crouched down to be eye level with her abdomen
"Hey you.." he said as he placed a hand on the bump gently "I'm sorry for putting you through the stress that your mom was under.. I knew I was gonna get yelled at either way so I just decided to go for it and apologize to her later.." he shook his head "here's your first piece of advice, don't keep anything from your mom, she's only going to be more mad than she would have been if you'd just told her"
"Facts" Rebecca nodded
"So.. how can I make it up to you?"
"She says ice cream"
"Oh you speak for her now?"
"We're a package deal and she says ice cream" Rebecca nodded
"Okay fine.." he stood up "I'll get you ice cream" he reached for his shirt from the floor and his car keys that sat on the table, he gently grabbed Rebecca's face in his hands and brought her lips to his "I love you"
"I love you" she said in a whisper as she kissed him once more
"I'm gonna go get your ice cream" he made his way towards the door
"Colby.." she said and he turned to face her "Mint chocolate chip" she said
"Seriously?" He questioned "you can't just get vanilla or something?"
"She wants Mint chocolate chip" she placed her hand on her abdomen "she's not going to make this apology easy for you"
"She's already stubborn like you.."

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