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"Where are you taking me?" Rebecca asked with a laugh as her husband's hands covered her eyes

"You'll see" he said and she could hear him smiling "Stairs.." He said quickly and she reached out for the railing

"This is extremely dangerous you know that right? I'm 19 weeks pregnant and you have me walking down stairs basically blind"

"I'm right behind you" he said quickly "I'm not gonna let you fall"

"Too late.." She said "I've already fallen for you" she said and he laughed

"You are something else.." He kissed her neck quickly

After getting down the stairs, they took a right and then she felt the cold air of outside hit her and she backed up into him. He removed his hands from her eyes and they landed on her waist as she opened her eyes and saw their backyard.

This was different though..

It was their backyard but there was twinkling lights strung up along the fence, rose petals and candles on the ground that lead to a small table that was under a tiny teepee.

"What is all this?" She asked as she looked up at him

"This is date night" he said "We've been so consumed the last month with Cali and making sure she's okay, we haven't really focused on each other at all" he explained "and it's right in our backyard so we don't have to go anywhere, my mom is in the house with Nancy and we're here if we need to be" he said and she smiled as she looked at the beautifully transformed yard

"It's gorgeous" she said and she leaned up to place a soft kiss on his lips

"It's not too cheesy?" He asked and she shook her head

"Even if it is.." she shrugged "I love it and I love that you put in so much work for it" she said with a smile as they walked towards the small table and she saw the food and looked up at him "You cooked for me?" She asked with wide eyes

"I'm not gonna lie.. I had a little help with that one" he admitted

One hour prior...

"That's not how you do it" Cali shook her head as she sat on the kitchen counter

"It is too" Colby nodded as he put the flour in the pot on the stove "You put flour in and it thickens the sauce"

"Nope" Cali shook her head "You don't just add flour to the sauce.. now it's gonna taste like flour and not like the sauce you just spent time making" she explained

"Alright then smarty pants.. how do you do it?" He asked and she reached out for him and he took her gently into his arms and moved her towards the stove

"You gotta throw this away and start over" she pointed to the pot

"Why didn't you mention this before?" He asked as he grabbed the pot in one hand and held securely to her with the other

"Because I thought you knew what you were doing.." She shrugged

"Do I ever cook?" He asked

"No" the little girl shook her head "and for a good reason apparently"

After making the sauce that would go over the pasta one more time, he looked to his daughter for instructions.

"Now what?" He asked

"You gotta make a roux" she said and he just stared at her

"A what?"

"A roux" she nodded and once again he was silent "Combine butter and flour in a pan and make sure it's combined well before you add it to anything" she explained

"Just say that" he said as he moved towards the refrigerator

"It has a name" she said "and it's called a roux"

"Is this where your mom got this idea to name your sister from?" He asked and Cali nodded

"It's better than your suggestions.."

"Oh my god" Rebecca laughed as he finished explaining it to her "I mean she's right.. my name suggestions are better than yours"

"Ya know.. the only thing that went through my head.. I couldn't say it aloud because she's literally a child but she's smart and I don't know if she'd catch on"

"What? Is it bad?" She asked

"She said I had to make a roux and the only thing that went through my head was.. I already made a Roux and I don't know what she's gonna do to help this situation"

"Colby Lopez!" She hit his arm

"I didn't say it!" He exclaimed "I can't help the thoughts that pop into my head.. but I don't say them around her"

"No, you don't.. you just whisper them in my ear and I can't do anything but stare at you because if I react she's gonna be extremely confused"

The dinner was spent mainly in silence, they were just enjoying the peace and quiet and being around each other for longer than 15 minutes without interruptions. They moved from the small table to the deck.

Rebecca leaned into her husband's chest as they laid on the couch next to the fire pit. He placed a gentle kiss to her head.

"How are you feeling my love?" He asked and she smiled, he'd picked up on her vocabulary

"I'm okay love" she nodded "My back hurts but overall I'm okay"

"I'm sorry" he said in a whisper and she looked up at him "I know this isn't how we expected this pregnancy to go.. we were supposed to be so focused on us, on enjoying married life, on enjoying the little moments"

"We are enjoying it.." She nodded "Cali's just pretty much became our priority" she said and he nodded "Speaking of.." She smiled and he looked at her confused "She's moving"

"You can feel her now?" He asked with wide eyes and she nodded "How long have you.." He trailed off

"A few days" she nodded "I thought I felt her when we were in bed the other night but I didn't know and I didn't want to wake you up and ask you because you've been exhausted"

"You wake me up and tell me that.." He said and she could see the hurt in his eyes

"I'm sorry" she apologized "I didn't know what was happening and it freaked me out honestly and then I realized it and by the time I realized what was going on she stopped" she explained

"I want to know.. every time" he said

"I don't think you want to know every single time" she shook her head "Do you know how many times a day I'm gonna tell you? You're going to get annoyed"

"Rebecca" he looked her in the eyes "Every time" he said and she sighed and nodded

"Alright" she nodded "Just remember.. You asked for it" she said 

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