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Two Months later...

Rebecca was officially released from the hospital a few weeks after surgery but was transferred to a rehabilitation center so she could have round the clock care and physical therapy everyday. She hated the wheel chair but she had no other way of getting around because she still couldn't stand up.

They worked with her in the bed most days, she was sat on the side of the bed while her legs dangled and the therapists worked on her.

It was a time filled with lots of tears and frustration and overall just wanting to go home. Finally after a six weeks of seeing that there was no improvement mobility wise and watching Rebecca's mental health deteriorate due to no progress and not being home, the doctors all came to the conclusion to let her return to her home.

Colby and Cali had been busy little construction workers in the time Rebecca was away. They built a ramp, made their home more accessible for her, moved the rooms all around so everything important was now on the first floor of the house, moved furniture in the living room around, put things down at a level she could reach them. They just wanted her to be as comfortable as possible when she was finally home.

Colby pulled into the driveway and shut the car off, looking over at Rebecca who was sitting in the passenger seat. He had just picked her up from the rehabilitation center that was 45 minutes away from the house. She had been sitting in that position for almost an hour so he knew she was starting to be in pain.

"Are you ready?" He asked

"Is Cali in there?" She asked quietly as she looked over at him

"No" he shook his head "I just figured your first day back it would be better if my mom had her.. just until we can get you settled"

"I don't think I'm ever going to get settled into this life" she stared ahead and he nodded

"Well.. let's get you inside" he began to get out of the car and he moved to open the trunk to pull out the wheelchair

"Don't" she shook her head "Don't get that fucking thing out" she snapped

He got out of the car and closed the trunk as he moved towards the passenger side. He opened the door and carefully and gently picked her up in his arms and began to carry her inside.

"I hate this" she said and he nodded

"I know" he answered quietly as he walked in the door and shut it behind him with his leg "but its going to get better"

"Will it?" She asked

After showing Rebecca around the house, Colby placed her on the bed in their new room before going to the kitchen to grab the dinner from the oven that his mother had put in before taking Cali to her house. He quickly prepared it and walked back to the room.

He walked in the room and saw her sitting on the edge of the bed, her feet dangling below her.

"Rebecca!" He exclaimed as he sat the plates down on the dresser "What are you doing?" He moved to her quickly and she reached for his arms

"I wanna try" she said "I wanna try to stand"

"You haven't even tried to stand in therapy" he shook his head

"I don't trust them" she shook her head

"They're your therapists and doctors" he looked at her as she shuffled her way closer towards the edge

"They're not you" she looked up at him "I trust you" she said and he nodded

"Okay" he nodded as she grabbed onto his arms tightly "What do you want me to do?"

"Just let me try and don't let me fall" she said and he nodded

He watched her trying to get over her own mental block. She was psyching herself out so he took matters in his own hands as he placed his arms under hers and pulled her off the bed. Her feet touched the ground and he felt her shaking, she was trying with everything in her to stay upright.

"Maybe we should take a break" he said after 30 seconds and he sat her down on the bed

"I wanna try again" she said looking him in the eyes

"Just take a break and eat.. we can try again later" her shook his head

"NO!" She yelled "Now! I want to try now!" She exclaimed and he nodded as he put his arms under her again and lifted her once more

After standing for almost a minute and a half he put her back down. She didn't need to tire herself out, she didn't need to do this.

"Again" she said and he let out a sigh and she looked at him "Again Colby" she said

"Rebecca.." He shook his head

"Again" she glared at him "Please" she said in a tear-filled whisper 

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