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After getting home from their appointment, Rebecca made dinner with the help of Cali as per usual. She made sure the little girl got all of her assignments done for the day and had no questions before the little girl went on to shower and brush her teeth before bed.

Rebecca laid in Cali's room with her watching a movie before she looked down at the little girl who was fast asleep an hour into it. She carefully slipped from the bed and covered the little girl up

"Mom" Cali said as Rebecca attempted to make her way out of the room silently

"Yeah love?" Rebecca turned back towards her

"Goodnight" Cali said in a whisper and Rebecca smiled slightly

"Goodnight my love" she said quietly as she shut the door

She made her way down the stairs, making sure all doors and windows were locked before finishing cleaning up quickly, She turned out the lights and went back upstairs.

Walking into their room, she saw Colby walk out of the bathroom freshly showered. She moved past him to do her nightly routine. It was tense between them to say the least, they would talk whenever Cali was involved but other than that they hardly spoke today.

She walked back into the bedroom, expecting Colby to be already laying in bed but instead he was sitting on the edge of the bed staring at the sonogram photos in his hands.

"Are you okay?" She asked and he looked up at her

"Are you?" He questioned and she nodded as he sat next to him and took the pictures from him

"Its pretty crazy huh?" She questioned "This little precious thing is safely tucked away in here" her hand found her abdomen again, something he had noticed her doing a lot since finding out

"I'm sorry" she said and his eyes met hers "I'm sorry for lashing out at you"

"No" he shook his head "You have nothing to be sorry for, I understand it.. I'm sorry for the way I reacted. I know its not the reaction you probably dreamed I'd have"

"I understand it" she nodded "You're scared"

"Terrified" he corrected her "You are the one pregnant and I'm the one that is terrified"

"It makes sense" she nodded "All you can do is sit back and watch what happens, it all falls on me for right now and there is nothing you can do.. but you've got to trust me, you have to trust that I can do this and be okay on the other side of it"

"I do trust you.. Its your body that I don't trust" he said and she smiled slightly as she ran her hand through his hair

"My body's not going to give out on me" she shook her head "I won't let it" she placed a kiss to his cheek "You can go ahead and be scared and not trust my body but I just need you here to support me.. to support us and our family"

"I'm not going anywhere" he shook his head

He grabbed her face in his hands gently and placed his lips against hers and to his surprise she didn't pull away from him, she kissed him back. The anxiousness would always be in the back of his mind but she was right, he needed to be right next to her side to support her completely through this and keep the faith that it would all be okay.

They moved to their places in the bed, getting under the blanket and silently almost falling asleep, Colby spoke up once more.

"Rebecca" he said quietly and she looked over at him as she placed her book she was reading down on her nightstand "I love you" he said and she smiled before leaning over and kissing him quickly

"I love you" she nodded and she felt him lift the blanket away from her "What are you doing?" She asked with a small laugh as she felt him pull her shirt up to reveal her stomach and she felt him place a gentle kiss on her skin and she smiled as she watched him kiss her abdomen again

"I guess we should formally introduce ourselves" he said against her skin "It's your Dad here, I know you probably haven't felt very wanted by me in the last few days but I want you to know you are welcome here and we love you, you have an amazing big sister who is absolutely going to lose her mind when she finds out about you" he continued and he felt Rebecca's hand run through his hair gently "You've got the best Mommy in the world, so you're already ahead of the game" he looked up at Rebecca slightly before turning his attention back to her stomach "I can't wait for you to be here so I can hold you and snuggle you, I'm going to spoil you.. no matter what your mom says" he stated and he felt Rebecca laugh slightly "but if I'm going to be doing all of this for you, I need you to promise me one thing.. be nice to your mommy, this is not going to be easy for either one of you but you two have to work together to come out of this healthy and okay"

"Colby.." Rebecca said gently, she didn't want to interrupt this moment but she had to

"Hmm?" He looked up at her

"She's cold" she said and he smiled as he leaned up on his elbow and pulled her shirt back down before placing another kiss on her now covered stomach

"Better?" He asked and she nodded as she reached for his face and pulled his lips to hers "I love you" he said and she smiled

"I love you" she nodded as he kissed her once more

"We're having a baby.." He said in a whisper and she smiled

"We're having a baby" 

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