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"But what about my junior bridesmaid duty!" Cali exclaimed as Colby ran a brush through her hair as she sat on the sink in her bathroom
"You're still going to be on junior bridesmaid duty.. just not today" he said as he sprayed water on her hair
"But you're getting married today.. how does that work?"
"You're still going to be a junior bridesmaid.. when we have the actual wedding, we just want to get married before I start back on the road"
"You're gonna make me wear a fancy dress twice?"
"Take that one up with your mom" Colby laughed
"Colby!" He heard Rebecca yell from their bedroom and he looked down at his daughter
"Speaking of Mom" Cali smiled
"Brush your teeth" he said as he walked out of the bathroom

Colby walked into the master bedroom to find Rebecca standing in the closet, he stood against the door frame and watched her for a moment.

"Need something?" He questioned as she turned around to face him with a small smile
"We have a small issue"
"A small issue?" He asked "What's wrong now?"
"I can't zip my dress by myself" she said and he laughed as he moved to her
"Colby to the rescue" he said as she turned around and his hand moved over the zipper and he stopped "Uh oh" he said
"What uh oh? Don't uh oh" she shook her head
"It's not budging"
"It has to!" She exclaimed
"Suck in" he said
"I am" she nodded and he unzipped the dress completely and tried again and failed
"Maybe Colby's not to the rescue on this one" he shook his head
"Don't say that" she shook her head once more "It has to fit.. it fit last week"
"Turn" he grabbed her hand and turned her gently so she was sideways and he smiled "You can try fitting in this dress all you want my love but You're not going to get anywhere" he shook his head and she looked down as he placed his hand on her abdomen gently
"Was that there yesterday?" She looked at him and he shook his head as she placed her hand over his
"I mean you could see it a tiny bit if you looked hard enough but not like this"
"Is this normal?" She asked and his eyes met hers, and he could see concern in them and he smiled
"It's normal" he nodded "You're 13 weeks along now.. If you weren't growing I'd be concerned" he stated as he watched her move to the full length mirror and examine the changes that were happening
"What am I supposed to do? I loved that dress and I wanted it to be the one.."
"You're going to hate me for even bringing this up.. you're going to hate the fact that this is even a thing"
"Up in the attic, there's a tote in the corner that has Heather's maternity clothes in it.. there's dresses in there" he said and he shook his head "I know that's weird.. having you wear my dead wife's clothes.. and I hated it the second I suggested it"
"Do I really have another option right now? We don't exactly have time for me to go buy a dress, we have to be at the courthouse in less than an hour to get the marriage license" she let out a sigh "Go get them" she nodded
"You're sure?"
"Are you okay with it?" She asked "Because I don't want to bring up memories that will upset you" she shook her head
"It's just clothes.. there are memories that are attached to each one of those outfits but they're good memories and because you won't take my suggestion of just marrying me in leggings" he said and she glared at him "We don't have enough time for another option"

After ten minutes, Rebecca finished up curling the last few pieces of her hair as Colby walked into the room and placed the plastic tote on the bed. She stood next to him as he took a deep breath and opened it.
"Whatever you want.." He said as he began to walk out of the room
"Hey.." She said in a whisper and he turned to face her "I love you" she said and he smiled
"I love you" he nodded

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