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"I'm Pregnant" she whispered

"I'm sorry.." Colby shook his head as he looked at her "Say that again"

"I'm pregnant" she said with a nod

"You're pregnant.." He said as he stood up and she noticed his entire demeanor shift, he was shaky and his breathing was shallow

"Okay" she nodded as she watched him pacing back and forth as he ran his hands over his face "That's not the reaction I was expecting from you" she shook her head

"I'm sorry" he apologized quickly as he looked over at where she sat on the bed "Is it hard for you to breathe or is that just me?" He asked and she stood up and grabbed his shaking hands in hers quickly

"You're having a panic attack" she said quietly as she kissed his hands gently "Its okay"

"Is it?" He asked "I mean really? You're pregnant" he shook his head and she watched him run a hand over his face "You weren't supposed to get pregnant" he shook his head "The doctors said it was dangerous"

"The doctors didn't say I'm not supposed to be pregnant" she shook her head "They said we needed to discuss it before we started to try"

"Which we didn't do!" He exclaimed "We weren't even trying yet"

"Well surprise!" She threw her arms in the air and he glared at her "You can't be that surprised right now.. as much as we have sex.. seriously?" She questioned "We're getting married and we were going to start trying soon anyway.." She shrugged "This kid obviously had other plans" he watched her place a hand on her abdomen "Why are you mad about this?"

"I'm not mad that you're pregnant" he shook his head

"Could have fooled me" she rolled her eyes

"I'm not!" He exclaimed "I'm more angry with myself.. like I should have been smarter, I should have made sure this didn't happen until we had answers to all of the questions we have and now.." He trailed off and her eyes widened

"Oh my god" she shook her head "You don't want this baby.."

"I didn't say that"

"You don't have to! This reaction speaks for itself"

"You think this reaction has anything to do with me not wanting this baby with you?" He asked "You have no idea" he shook his head

"Explain it to me!' She yelled "Please! Go ahead!"

"I'm scared!" He yelled over her and she froze as she saw the look in his eyes "I am fucking terrified!" He admitted

"Terrified of what?" She questioned

"Losing you" his eyes met hers "I am terrified of losing you.. when you got shot, the doctor said if you did get pregnant it could be dangerous for everyone involved because you wouldn't be able to get an epidural because of the placement it needed to be in your back and there was no way to know if it would take and then if you had a C-Section they couldn't give you the spinal block because it could paralyze you" he explained "He said a pregnancy would be extremely hard on your back because all of the pressure would go on the rods and screws and it would basically be pulling you apart"

"Why did you never tell me that?" She asked quietly

"Because he also said the chances of you getting pregnant were slim in the first place"

"So what were you going to do? Just not tell me that and when we start trying and I didn't get pregnant it was just going to be something you never told me? You knew the chances of me getting pregnant were slim and never told me, you knew that my birth control wasn't a good idea for me because it was throwing my hormones into chaos.. and because you thought it would never happen you just decided to forgo all protection"

"It takes two to tango sweetheart" he seethed "You knew there was no protection as much as I did"

"But you were the only one that knew the risks!" She yelled "You didn't think that was important information to share with me?!"

"I was trying to protect you!" He yelled

"Well you didn't protect me enough did you?" She questioned and she saw the look in his eyes, the hurt and pain at that comment

"You did not just say that to me" he closed his eyes as he tried to refrain from lashing out at her anymore

"Well I'm carrying your kid so what do we do?" She asked as she folded her arms across her chest

"We have decisions to make" he nodded "but I want to just sleep on it tonight and calm down before we decide anything" he said and she nodded before she went to leave out of the room "Where are you going?"

"To sleep in the guest room" she said as she opened the door and he shut it quickly with his hand

"You're sleeping here.." He said "We're not going to sleep in different rooms" he shook his head and she stared up at him and she knew he wasn't going to give in

"Fine" she huffed

He watched her walk over to her side of the bed, and they began moving the pillows and getting into the bed. He stared up at the ceiling as she slipped in next to him, scooting as far away as possible from him as she turned away from him.

"Rebecca.." He said as he looked at her back and he ran his hand over her back gently and she shrugged away from him

"Don't touch me"

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