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Colby walked into the coffee shop on Friday morning with his seven year old following closely behind. Normally Colby would drop Cali off at school before heading to the coffee shop so he could enjoy the little amount of alone time he got without his daughter, but today was different. Today Cali's school was opening two hours late due to the massive snow storm that happened the night before.

Being from Iowa where it snowed often in the winter time they knew how to handle it so school usually wasn't cancelled unless it was something major.

Colby ordered his coffee at the counter while his daughter sat at one of the tables happily eating her blueberry muffin as she watched the customers come and go about their day. After getting his coffee he made his way to the table and listened to the many stories his daughter was telling him about her dreams from the previous night and what she wanted to do once school was over.

"Eat munchkin" he said nodding towards her muffin that was sitting on the table half eaten "We gotta get you to school on time.. we can't show up when your whole school is already going to be late.. that's not a good look on us" he said

"But I wanna finish my story!" She said quickly as she took a bite

"You can.. just eat while you tell me" he said looking down at his phone quickly before turning his attention back to her

"I wanna build a snowman" she said "and make hot chocolate and can we watch movies since it's Friday?" She asked

"Yeah.. we can do that" Colby nodded

"Daddy" Cali said and Colby rolled his eyes, this little girl was going to make them late at this point "That's my teacher!" She pointed and Colby turned his attention to the counter and saw Rebecca standing there ordering her coffee

"I see that" Colby nodded with a small smile "She must be getting coffee so she has the energy to deal with 15 kids just like you for hours"

"She likes me" Cali said confidently with a smile "I'm her favorite.. she doesn't tell me but I can tell" she said "Miss Quin!" She called

"Cali!" Colby scolded her "Don't do that.." He shook his head

"Miss Quin!" She called again as she waved her hand and the redhead looked over at her with a smile as she finished paying for her coffee and walked towards the table

"Hi Cali" she said with a smile and she looked to Colby with a smile and a nod

"Miss Quin this is my dad" she pointed to Colby

"She's met me before Cali.. when we registered you for school.. on your first day"

"And at the parent teacher conferences" Cali spoke up and Rebecca looked to Colby

"It's nice to meet you again Mr.Lopez" Rebecca said as she winked at him quickly and he shook his head at her with a laugh

"What's funny?" Cali questioned curiously

"Nothing" they both said quickly

"Well Cali we better be getting you to school" Colby looked at his daughter and she began to grab her jacket from the back of the chair "Wouldn't want you to be late for class" he said as he stood up

Rebecca followed Colby and Cali out of the coffee shop, she watched Colby help the little girl walk on the ice in the parking lot by holding her hands in his

"Will you stop trying to skate?" He asked and the little girl laughed

"It's ice skating Daddy" she smiled up at him as he opened the door to the backseat

"I understand that but you don't own the right footwear for that and we'll both be on the ground if you fall" he said as Cali climbed in the back and he looked at Rebecca as she walked by with a small wave "Hey" he said and she looked at him "Are you walking?" He asked

"My car broke down yesterday" she shrugged "Perfect timing right?" She laughed

"Get in" he said motioning to the passenger seat as he closed the door where his daughter was attempting to listen in on this conversation

"Colby" she said with a shake of her head "She's in the car"

"No shit" he laughed "I said get in the car.. you're not walking in the snow and ice"

"I'll be fine"

"Don't make me come over there and grab both of your hands and lead you to the car too" he said "Cause I'll do it" he threatened and she rolled her eyes

After contemplating for a few more seconds and knowing that he wasn't about to leave without her in his car Rebecca finally gave in and walked carefully towards the car.

"You're giving her a ride?" Cali asked from the backseat as she watched her teacher walking towards the car and her father started the engine

"Her car is broken and it's cold outside.." He said "I'm a nice person sometimes" he said and the little girl shrugged

The 15 minute drive to the school was quiet for the most part besides Cali's commentary from the backseat every few minutes. Rebecca felt Colby's finger intertwine with hers and she saw him glance at Cali in the rearview mirror who was occupied by her iPad and paying them no attention. He glanced over at her quickly with a small smile as he gently squeezed her hand and she squeezed his back. It was like their own secret conversation just for them.

"Daddy" Cali spoke up again as he pulled into the school parking lot "Since Miss Quin's car is broken she's probably sad right?" She asked and Colby looked at Rebecca who was just as confused as he was "Can she come over and watch movies with us tonight so it can cheer her up?"

"Cali.. I don't think Miss Quin will want to come over to the house after dealing with you and your little friends all day" Colby shook his head

"Actually" Rebecca spoke up "Miss Quin would very much enjoy that" she nodded as his eyes met hers

"Are you sure?" He asked

"Positive" she nodded "What movie are we watching?" She looked back at Cali

"I wanna watch Frozen Two.. Daddy hasn't seen that one yet" she said "We're gonna make hot chocolate too" she added

"I would love that" Rebecca nodded once more with a smile as Colby put the car in park in front of the front door "Alright.. are you ready for school?" She looked back at her

"Do I still have to take the spelling test since Daddy drove you?" She asked

"Yes" Rebecca nodded and the little girl groaned as she grabbed her backpack from the floorboard

"Cali" Colby said as Rebecca got out of the car and the little girl opened her door

"It was worth a shot" the little girl stated as she got out

"Have a good day at school" he said towards his daughter and her teacher

He watched them walk into the school happily before driving away.

Tonight was going to be interesting. 

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