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Colby was in the middle of going over a match with Joe, his best friend and former SHIELD brother when Ashley walked up to him quickly and rolled into the ring.

"Your phone has been blowing up for the last thirty minutes" she said handing him the phone that he had left in his bag in the locker room "Rebecca even texted me and said to get you to call her because its an emergency"

"Did she say what's wrong?" He questioned as he unlocked his phone and quickly dialed his wife's number as Ashley shook her head

"Colby" she answered immediately, and he could tell in her voice, in the way she said his name she was panicking

"What's wrong?" He asked as he rolled out of the ring and walked somewhere quieter so he could fully understand her

"S-She was fine" she stuttered "She was fine this morning and- and"

"Rebecca, calm down" he said "Take a deep breath and tell me what's going on?"

"They're rushing Cali to the hospital" she said "She was fine and then the next thing I know she's having a seizure" she explained and he felt his heart stop as he breath caught in his throat "You need to get here!" She said urgently

He was across the country but after telling his bosses the situation that he had very little information about he was back home in under two hours thanks to the company jet.

Those two hours weren't without panic.

He was met by his mother at the airport as soon as he stepped foot off the jet and he practically bolted to her car.

"What the hell is going on?" He asked as he buckled his seatbelt and his mother began the drive to the hospital downtown

"Rebecca said the day was normal, she got Cali up, she was dressed and had breakfast.. she started her school work for the day and she was in lunch break and she came to the kitchen to make food with Rebecca and she noticed her get quiet and then the seizure happened.. she said it happened so quickly she didn't even have time to react to it before she was on the ground"

"Mom" Colby looked over at his mother "H-heather's disease was genetic.." He said and his mother shook her head

"Don't" Holly said sternly "Do not even go there" she shook her head

"But.." He started again

"Colby" his mother's eyes met his for a brief second and then went back to the road "Do not" she said once more "She's had testing done before, she doesn't have it"

"The last test that did was a year ago.. anything could have happened between now and then"

"They would have seen the markers for it then.. they would have caught it back then if it had started"

As they parked the car in the parking garage and got on the elevator everything became more real. Cali was never in the hospital, the little girl was rarely ever sick, she was healthy as can be.. or so they thought.

"Nancy" Colby said as he saw Heather's mother leaning against the wall staring into a hospital room

"Colby" Nancy wrapped her arms around him tightly, comforting him without saying a word

"How bad is she?" He asked

"Rebecca's in with her now.. she refuses to leave" she explained "I think you need to go in there and she can explain it"

"Just tell me something before I go in there.. prepare me a little bit"

"They've run multiple tests and we are waiting for the results, she's hooked up to fluids and anti-seizure medication because she had another one in the ambulance and one more right after they got her up here to the room.. she's got a heart monitor and oxygen because her pulse was low after the last one... they've sedated her so she can rest"

Luckily Holly was right behind him or he would have crashed to the floor completely, instead his mother carefully went with him as he crouched to the floor with his hands over his face.

"Easy.." Holly said quietly and she looked in the room to see Rebecca standing up from the chair as she saw her husband

Rebecca walked to him and bent down to be in front of him as she wrapped her arms around him and she felt him relax even the tiniest amount from her arms being around him. She felt him shaking and she kissed his head as she held him there, it was a lot for her to process so she couldn't even imagine how he felt, getting everything all at once.

"Come on.." She stood up slowly as she grabbed his hands in hers gently "She needs you" she said as he looked up at her and he slowly stood up

Even after the preparation he had, nothing could have prepared him for walking into that room and seeing his little girl in that big bed with all the wires and machines around her, she was tiny but in that scary environment she was especially tiny.

He felt Rebecca's hands on his arms and he looked back at her as she nodded slowly

"She needs to know you're here.." She said and he walked slowly towards his daughter "They've sedated her but they said she can most likely hear things going on around her" she explained and he nodded silently as he sat down in the wooden chair next to the bed and he grabbed Cali's hand gently in his and he placed a gentle kiss to her skin

"Daddy's here" he said in a whisper "Daddy's here" 

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