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"You've kept everything.." Rebecca said quietly and Colby watched her move into the closet, running her hand over all of Heather's clothing

"I just.." He shook his head "I don't know, I figured that Cali might want some of it at some point.." He shrugged "I know its strange, it's been 3 years and I shouldn't have it up anymore" he shook his head and she spun around quickly to meet his eyes that were filled with sadness, desperation for her to understand that he didn't bring her into this room to make her feel uncomfortable

"Baby.." She shook her head as she went to him quickly and wrapped her arms around him "I'm not judging you" she shook her head and she felt him relax into her as she wrapped her arms around his neck "I'm not" she shook her head slightly

"So you don't want me to get rid of everything? Because I will" he nodded and she shook her head

"I don't want you to do something you're going to regret in the future.. I'm not saying get rid of everything.. maybe get in touch with Heather's mom and see if she wants anything of her daughter's" she suggested "Put a few things back for Cali to have when she's ready and put the rest of it in bins in storage until you are ready to do something else with it.. that way you've still got it if you want to go look at it"

He pulled away from her, walking out of the closet and he sat on the edge of the bed.. just staring at her.

"What?" She asked quietly

"It's hard..I'm trying to get through it the best I can"

"Losing someone you love is a hard thing, nobody ever gets over it completely and I would never expect you to just throw everything out and act like she never existed"

"How are you so calm and understanding about this? Any other person in the world wouldn't accept that and would run the first chance they got"

"Because" she walked over to him and sat on his lap "I love you for you" she looked him in the eyes "and Heather will always be a part of you" she nodded "I will never try and take her place or make you feel like you have to hide your emotions about her from me"

"Me showing emotions isn't exactly something that happens often" he shook his head

"You've been strong for a lot of years because you had to be" she nodded "but just like maybe now Cali can learn to be a normal kid, maybe you can learn to let your guard down and let me be the one to be strong for you" 

Teach Me - BrollinsWhere stories live. Discover now