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Colby was finishing his workout of the day that had been sent over by his trainer, he looked over at Rebecca and Cali who sat behind the desk working on the little girl's assignments of the day in between Rebecca's workout.

They had really fallen into a routine in the last few weeks.

They would wake up in the morning, make breakfast, go to the wrestling school where Cali would do her schoolwork while Rebecca and Colby would work out and help her whenever she needed, after the workout was over they would get lunch at one of the local restaurants downtown before Colby would go back to the school and lead a class and Rebecca and Cali would run whatever errands that needed to be done that day. They would then meet one another at home later in the night and have dinner together before having quality family time by watching whatever movie or tv show they were binge watching together, Cali would go to bed about an hour before Colby and Rebecca would fall into their own bed and they would start the routine all over again the next day.

Colby finished the last set of the day and started putting the weights back in their proper place around the gym.

"Uh Dad.." Cali called out quickly and Colby looked at her and saw her holding onto Rebecca's wrist "She's going down" she said with panic in her voice

"Hey.." Colby ran up to Rebecca quickly and wrapped his arms around her waist gently

"I'm okay" Rebecca nodded shakily "I just stood up too fast"

"Sit" he said as he pushed her down in the chair gently

"I'm not a dog" Rebecca shook her head

"Drink" he ignored her as he handed her his water

"I'm fine" she said as she took a sip "I'm just a little shaky"

"You've got to be careful.. stop going to hard during these workouts"

"I know" she grumbled "I know" as she stood up and walked towards the bathroom

"Going to throw up?" He asked

"Yep" she nodded and Cali looked at her father with wide eyes

"Is she okay?" She asked

"I Think we need to talk to you about what is going on" Colby nodded

After Rebecca was okay, they made the drive home. They weren't going to do anything the rest of the day except rest and relax. Both Colby and Rebecca knew they needed to tell Cali about the pregnancy but they had been putting it off because they were nervous for her reaction but the further Rebecca progressed in the pregnancy the more intense the morning sickness and dizziness got and Cali needed to know what was going on.

"Okay" Colby looked over at Cali "We need to tell you something" he said as Rebecca sat up and Cali looked at them from the opposite side of the couch

"What's wrong?" Cali asked, she was anxious

"Nothing is wrong" Rebecca shook her head "It's normal"

"Its normal for you to throw up constantly?"

"Cali.. I don't really know how to tell you this and I don't want to tiptoe around it" Colby shook his head "Rebecca's pregnant"

"We're going to have a baby" Rebecca added "You're going to have a new little brother or sister" she added

It was silent. The silence in the house was overwhelming, the only thing they could be heard was their breathing. Cali stared at the two of them waiting for them to laugh, to break, to tell her they were joking.. but it didn't come.

Tears. Lots and lots of tears poured out of her little eyes.

"Whoa" Colby moved to his daughter quickly as he took her into his arms "What's wrong?" He asked

"So you're gonna die too?" Cali looked at Rebecca

"No" Rebecca shook her head "No hunny" she moved to the other side of the little girl now "I'm not going anywhere"

"My mom said that too" Cali said quietly and Rebecca and Colby's eyes met

"You listen to me" Rebecca said as she lifted the little girl's chin with her finger so she was looking at her "I'm not going to go anywhere, I'm not going to die" she shook her head "I promise you that" she nodded

"No" the little girl shook her head as she stood up "I don't want it"

"Cali.." Colby ran his hand over his face "That's not a choice that you get to make, this was a decision we made together" he grabbed Rebecca's hand

"You made the choice without asking me!" The little girl yelled at him "You didn't even ask me what I wanted!"

"Cali us growing this family is not your choice" Colby shook his head

"Neither is losing my mom twice" the little girl shook her head "You made that choice for me too!"

"Cali Marie, enough" Colby stood up now and towered over his daughter

"You killed my mom once!" The little girl screamed "and now you're gonna kill this one too!" She screamed as she ran up the stairs and they heard her bedroom door slam shut

"Cali!" Colby made a move towards the stairs and Rebecca grabbed his arm

"Let me do it.." She said quietly "She doesn't want to see you right now.." She shook her head "You need to go cool down.. I've got it" 

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