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The sound of loud beeping was overwhelming, the ringing in her ears was almost deafening and the pain that was spasming up her back is what truly caused her eyes to open.

She felt the slightly pressure on her hand and looked down to see Colby's hand intertwined with hers as his eyes never left the monitors. She went to speak but she couldn't, her throat felt like it was closed. She gently squeezed his hand causing his eyes to snap away from the monitor to her.

"Rebecca" he said as he stood up "Hi my love" he said quickly she could see he was trying his best to remain calm and she squeezed his hand "I'm going to go get the nurse" he nodded

She watched him leave the room and she looked around at all the wires that were attached to her body, all of the machines in the room and the IV in her hand. She was bandaged tightly around her torso and she lifted the blanket to see her legs were discolored and blue.

Everything felt tight.

"Rebecca" the nurse smiled as she walked in "We have been waiting for you to wake up.. you gave us quite a scare the last few days"

Few days? How long had she been out?

Turns out she had been out for a total of three days, but she recognized Colby's outfit.. it was the exact same outfit he had on when he dropped them off at the school. He hadn't changed, had he even went home? Where was Cali? Was she okay?

So many questions ran through her head.

"How are you feeling?" The nurse questioned as she took vitals

"Sore" Rebecca said in barely a whisper and the nurse nodded

"That is to be expected with this traumatic of an injury" she said as she covered the redhead's legs back up with the blanket "I'm going to call the doctor and tell him you're awake, I'm sure he will want to come in and talk to you"

"Can you actually go get her parents.. they're in the waiting room" Colby spoke up and Rebecca's eyes met his "I had to call them" he said with a shake of his head

As the nurse left the room Rebecca reached out for the cup of water with the straw in it that sat on the small table, she tried to shift herself to sit up but she couldn't force the bottom half of her body to move and she looked up at Colby in fear.

"Here.." He moved towards the cup quickly and brought it to her lips "Small sips" he said and she looked up at him, the look in her eyes of helplessness is one he would never forget

"I can't feel my legs" she said

"Its from the surgery" he said "Do you remember getting shot in the back?" He asked and she nodded

"I just knew I had to protect Cali" she said quietly "Is she okay?"

"She's fine" he nodded "She had some fragments that had to be taken out but it was a quick surgery and she was released the next day"

"Everybody else is okay?"

"Everybody is fine" he nodded and then shook his head


"It's just so like you to put others before yourself.. here you are laid up in a hospital bed and you can't feel half of your body and you're worried about others"

"I was in pain" she nodded "After I got shot the cops came in, I heard that.. and I was in excruciating pain but I knew I had to get Cali out of that room"

"The doctors have no idea how you walked let alone carried Cali to the paramedics"

"I just knew I had to get her out of there" she shrugged slightly

"Well you scared the fuck out of me I can tell you that" he nodded "Watching you go limp like that and then you coded a few times on the way here and even during surgery.. you were pretty close to dying"

"I couldn't die" she shook her head "We've got so much left to do with one another" she smiled slightly "You've still gotta make me your wife before I go anywhere"

"Make you my wife" he nodded "I can do that" he placed a gentle kiss to her lips

"And we have babies to make.." She nodded "There's a lot we still have to do before you can get rid of me"

"How about we just start with getting you better and then we'll change that last name of yours soon"

"Then babies" she nodded

"As many as you want" he captured her lips, he was savoring this moment.. he didn't think he would get it ever again

The doctor came in with Rebecca's parents who were refusing to leave their daughter's side now that she was awake.

"Will I ever walk again?" Rebecca asked bluntly "because I can't feel my legs and I know that is not a good thing"

"We are going to get you the best specialist and physical therapists" the doctor explained "we are going to start slowly building you back up to the woman you were before.. and you're going to get stronger and we are going to do everything in our power to get you up on your feet again"

"But you can't promise anything" she shook her head and the doctor just stared at her

"I'm meeting with the builders and contractors first thing in the morning to get the house accessible for you that way its ready when you come home" Colby said and she smiled at him

"That won't be necessary" Ken, Rebecca's father shook his head as he ran a hand over his daughter's hair

"Why not?" Colby questioned "She's not going to be in the hospital forever"

"No she won't" Ken shook his head

"Once she's strong enough, she's going to come home" Annette stated "She's going to be coming to Ireland with us where she has family to help and take care of her. She's going to come home where she belongs" she glared at Colby 

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