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Rebecca walked into Cali's room and saw the little girl sitting at her desk, pencil in hand as she wrote quickly on the paper in front of her.

"You better slow down or that handwriting is gonna be messy" She said with a small smile as she folded her arms across her chest and Cali looked up at her with a smile "What are you doing kiddo?"

"Writing a letter" the little girl nodded as her eyes went back to the paper

"Who are you writing to?" Rebecca asked as she sat on the bed

"My Mom" she said without missing a beat "Can you take me to give the letter to her?" She asked without missing a beat

"Of course" Rebecca nodded

Rebecca honestly didn't know how she felt about going to the cemetery, she hadn't been there and she didn't know where Heather was buried. She had to call Colby to even get directions to the cemetery that was half way across town.

"Do you want me to come get her? I can take her" Colby offered as he was on FaceTime and watched Rebecca do her hair in the bathroom mirror

"No" she shook her head "She asked me to take her"

"I just know this is a hard thing to do" he said and she nodded

"It is hard but we'll be fine" she said quickly

After finishing getting herself ready for the day, Rebecca did Cali's hair while the little girl finished her letter.

Colby was going to be home late that night and Cali would be in bed by the time he came in. So the girls decided to get food at the local diner, one of Cali's favorite restaurants before going to the cemetery.

After dinner, Rebecca put the address in the GPS on her phone and began to follow the route.

She looked back at Cali through the rearview mirror with a small smile as she watched the little girl looking out the window.

"When was the last time you were out here?" Rebecca asked

"A few months ago.. Daddy brought me" Cali answered "We put pretty flowers in the vase"

"Your Daddy said your grandma updated the flowers last week"

"We picked them out together" the little girl nodded "You gotta meet my grandma" the little girl stated "She's super nice and I think she'd like you"

"I would hope so" Rebecca nodded, she had never met Nancy but she had heard nothing but good things about the woman and she would hope that she would approve of her, in a way if Nancy approved of her she felt that meant Heather would as well

As the pulled into the cemetery Cali told Rebecca how to get to the back left corner where her mother was. They parked the car and got out, and Cali quickly reached for Rebecca's hand as they walked towards the concrete stone that was under the oak tree.

"They look so pretty!" Cali exclaimed as she looked at the flowers with a smile

"They do" Rebecca nodded

"You get to meet my mom" Cali looked up at her "but she doesn't talk much"

"Cali.." Rebecca shook her head trying not to laugh at that comment

"What?" The little girl shrugged "It's true!" She said with a laugh

Rebecca stood back and watched Cali as she placed the letter next to the headstone. She watched the little girl sit down in front of it on the ground and just talk about everything that came to her head.

Teach Me - BrollinsWhere stories live. Discover now