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surprise shawty🤎.


school had come to an end and i was heading outside of the building to meet with sam. we were hanging at my house today since we hadn't in a while, and because her dad would be at hers.

i got outside and looked around the parking lot for her car, spotting it after a few seconds. she wasn't out here yet so i pulled out my phone and waited by the drivers side.

i opened up buzzfeed and scrolled through the quizzes tab, which happened to be the reason i downloaded the app. none of them were interesting me at the moment so i went to pinterest and scrolled through there. looking up every now and then to see if sam was making her way over.

after adding several pins of food, outfits, and hairstyles to my pinterest boards, i heard my name being called. i averted my attention away from the screen and saw sam coming closer. she waved at me and i returned the gesture, placing my phone back in my pocket.

once she was close enough i brought her into a hug, squeezing her almost as tight as she was squeezing me. we rocked back and forth for an unnecessary amount of time, giggling into each other's shoulders. we finally detached and she smiled at me.

"you smell really good." she said and brought me over to the passenger side.

"so do you." i replied.

sam opened the door for me and i got in, setting my bag down in the backseat. then she went back over to her side and got in, doing the same with her bag. she crunk the car up and turned the air on, since it was a bit hot outside. students wandered the parking lot with no caution so it took a minute before she could pull out without hitting someone. when the bodies stopped coming so sporadically, she pulled off easily, out of the student lot and onto the main road.

i didn't grab the aux today cause i didn't feel like it, i felt like talking.

"how were your classes?" i asked.

"uhhh they were fine, the ones i didn't have with you were pretty boring though." she shrugged, turning at an intersection. i nodded and aimlessly observed her driving stance.

"how were yours?" she asked. i thought back on them so i could give her a real answer.

"a lot of lectures for sure, but they weren't that bad. ms. darbus's was good of course and pre-calc was nice." i replied.

"i swear you the only person i know who likes math," she commenting playfully whilst shaking her head. i rolled my eyes at her.

"math is fun, i like it." i shrugged, grinning.

"only you." she said.

i didn't say anything else and neither did she so i leaned my head against the window, enjoying the quiet. sam connected her phone to the bluetooth and played some music. we both hummed lowly along with the songs, driving the rest of the way in a comfortable silence.

i guess i fell asleep shortly after because i was awoken to sam calling my name. i blinked a couple of times, noticing we were in my driveway and sat up. i let out a small yawn and rubbed at my eyes. sam was watching me from the drivers seat and i glanced at her.

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