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my parents got home shortly after i arrived, which was a few hours ago. we talked at the dinner table while they ate, and soon they went off into their rooms to prepare for tomorrow. i already took a shower and finished my homework, so i had been watching youtube for about an hour now.

i checked my phone for probably the millionth time tonight, waiting on a text beck from sam. i didn't get the usual text that she'd gotten home safe so i double texted a couple of times, and i still haven't gotten a reply.

i don't know what the hell she was doing but i need to know she's ok.

i sighed, tossing my phone down and focusing my attention back to the tv. i missed zo's messy monday episode when it came out so i was watching it now. i snickered at his messy ass comments and ended up frowning when it came to a close. i grabbed my remote and scrolled through youtube, looking for something else to watch. it's like whenever i'm looking nobody wanna upload but when i'm busy, videos be dropping like hot pancakes.

i finally gave up and switched to netflix, turning on grey's anatomy.

the facetime ringtone started lowly and i immediately sat up, scrambling through my blankets for my phone. i found it and felt a jolt of relief at the caller id.


i sat up a bit and picked up immediately. it took a minute to connect and when it did my face fell. sam was teary eyed, and what looked like dried blood sat on her lip from a cut.

my first instinct was to panic but she already looked shaken up so i tried to settle my nerves.

"sam? what happened?" i asked, trying to stay calm, though you could hear the worry in my voice.

she opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out and she closed it. this went on for a minute until she built up the will to speak, roughly wiping her face in the process.

"my dad, he-he hit me and-", she stuttered over her words as tears began to fall. i could tell she was having a hard time talking, so instead of waiting on her to elaborate i asked a question that didn't involve an explanation.

"hey, hey it's ok. where are you?" that was my biggest concern right now.


"did he put you outside?" i asked hesitantly.

"no, i just walked out, but i don't wanna go back in." she whimpers a bit on the last part and my heart breaks.

"can i come over, please?"

i didn't hesitate to answer, "yes of course, i'm gonna go tell my parents. stay on the phone, okay?"

"yeah okay."

i put myself on mute and hurried up from my bed, quickly heading to my parents room across the hall. their door was closed so i knocked, and got no answer.

"mom! dad!" i heard some shuffling and my mom came to the door in her robe and a bonnet. she looked like she had just woken up.

"i'm sorry for interrupting y'all's sleep but i have to ask, can sam come over?" i babbled out.

"you mean right now? why does she need to come over at..." she glanced over at the digital clock on their nightstand, "almost 11 o'clock at night?"

"something bad happened with her and her dad. he put her out for the night and she doesn't have another place to stay." i exaggerated the story just a little bit but it's fine, i would eventually tell her the whole truth.

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