twenty three.

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"bubba... wake up." i softly shook sam awake.

as soon as i began driving us the rest of the way to our hotel, my baby passed out in the passenger seat. i don't know why she was so tired though, from what i know she's been well rested.

"sam, we're hereee." i dragged enthusiastically, hoping to trigger a reaction, which somewhat worked.

said girl sat up a bit, groaning softly, "we are?"

"yes, you fell asleep the rest of the way." i informed, pulling a piece of lint from her hair.

that seemed to make her more aware of reality because she sat up quickly, looking around the hotel and it's surroundings. i will admit, it was a pretty nice one for the price we paid, and i was excited to spend several days with her in it. maybe we can even-

"what floor we on?" she asked, staring up at the fifteen story building.

"the 11th," i smiled at her, "i know it's your favorite number."

"the 11th?! that's a high ass floor lani." camille exclaimed from the backseat, leaning up between the console. her previous spot next to asia now vacant, which made them scrunch their face.

"oh please, it's not that high up. you won't even be thinking about that once you see the rooms." i rolled my eyes, taking the key out of the ignition.

sam and asia quietly got out to get some of our things out the trunk. camille and i soon joined them, making our way up to the hotel entrance.

the hotel had one of those revolving doors, so we all got in our little sector to enter. it let us out and i led us to the check in/check out desk. since i booked the rooms under my name, i was the one to speak to the receptionist.

he gave us our room number and two keys, along with one of those luggage carrier things to take our stuff up. we loaded it one by one and finally headed up to the actual room.

i handed camille and asia their key before opening the door. like i said, the hotel was hella nice on the inside, it honestly looked even better than the pictures. there was a mini kitchen with black appliances and white countertops. the living room space had a white couch with black pillows and a throw blanket. the closets were big and so was the bathroom.

the bedroom was huge, with two queen sized beds sitting in the middle of it and a balcony. there wasn't too much furniture squeezed in so it was spacious.

"lani i have no idea how you got this room, but i'm not gonna question it." asia expressed with a chuckle.

i shook my head, "i couldn't tell you asia. the price wasn't too bad either, i guess i just got luck—"

sam pulled me into a hug mid-sentence, kissing me all over my face.

"chill out," i said, giggling. she gave in to my wishes and stopped, but not before pecking my forehead sweetly.

"alright! i planned for us to go get some food not too long after we arrived, maybe go walk around a mall or something too if y'all want." i checked the time and it was around 1pm, "we got here around the time i estimated, so y'all wanna do that?"

everyone nodded.

"okay. we can all freshen up and get dressed, then we'll head to this taco place i found."

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