twenty five.

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excuse any errors!


i shyly stood up from sam's lap and slid my top off, leaving my chest bare. her eyes looked over me in awe as she stood up. i was backed into the bed and eventually fell into it. sam followed suit and hovered over me between my legs.

she started at my breasts, slowly kissing down the middle, then taking my right nipple in her mouth. i felt her tongue swirl over it and gasped lowly. she bit it softly then began to suck on it and around it. after a minute she switched sides, doing the same thing and massaging the one she left.

then her fingers tugged at my bottoms, obviously trying to pull them off.

i grabbed sam's hands, making her look up at me, eyes glazed over.

"is this ok?" she asked, concerned.

"yes, but i don't wanna be the only one undressing." i replied, gesturing to her clothes.

sam smiled, "i gotchu."

she leaned up off of me, smoothly discarding her shirt and pants. i couldn't help but admire her sculpted body, subconsciously wondering if she liked mine as much as i did hers. my hand reached out to drag along her stomach as she fell back into me.

sam wasted no time in tugging down my bottoms, along with my underwear. she threw them somewhere in the room and pecked my lips sweetly. she massaged my thighs comfortingly, making eye contact with me.

"you alright, love?"

"yes- mmh." i whimpered when she rubbed my clit lightly.

sam smirked at that and kept going, connecting her lips with mine. she added more pressure and i struggled to kiss her back, moaning in her mouth. i don't know if she was just as turned on as me, but i could feel her do the same.

after while i was getting impatient, i wanted more.

"baby please..." i whispered against her lips. sam pulled away slowly, my lip making a pop sound as she released it.

"say it again, pretty."

my insides fluttered at the name and the command.

"please?" i whispered again, looking anywhere but at her.

i was embarrassed but strangely... enjoying it?

sam grabbed my throat gently, "look at me when i'm talking to you, ok?"

i nodded, "o-ok."

sam moved herself down to my lower body, opening my legs and glancing up at me. as much as i wanted to cover my face i resisted the temptation.

i felt her tongue first, a long lick between my lips and up to my clit. i shuddered at the feeling, letting my head rest against the pillows.

sam did that once more before going to my clit. moving her tongue up and down first, getting an immediate moan out of me. she kept going, back and forth between spots that followed with my consistent noises. she was listening to my body, doing what it liked and what emitted pleasure for me.

"uhh shit..." i cursed, my thighs inching closer together. sam was quick to stop that and grabbed them both, holding them down and going harder.

my back arched at the constant stimulation. she wasn't going too fast or too slow, at the perfect pace. it felt like my body was on fire, in a good way of course.

sam began to suck on my clit slowly, and i went into a frenzy, moaning louder than before.

"fuckkk sam." i gasped, my back arching off the bed. she went a little faster, inching a finger up to my entrance.

once sam felt like i was ready, she inserted her middle and ring finger into me cautiously, which i really appreciated. once inside of me, she started moving them slowly, but enough to feel them against my walls.

i whimpered in pain and pleasure at the unfamiliar feeling, which soon faded away into complete pleasure. i felt a growing tightness in my core and my legs began to shake slightly.

sam came up from between my legs, her forehead pressed against mine. her fingers were still going in and out of me, and her thumb was lightly rubbing my clit.

"sam... i'm gonna c-cum." i moaned, wrapping my arm around her neck. she took my my free hand and intertwined it with hers.

"you gon' cum for me?" she whispered, laying light kisses on my neck. i was in too much of a daze to give a long-winded answer.

"yes... o-ohh, my god-" my hips began to sputter.

noise got caught in my throat as i fell into a warm frenzy of bliss. my body shuddered and shook in her arms as she watched in adoration.

"you look so pretty." said girl rasped.

i could barely recognize it as a compliment in the moment. i was having an out of body experience, euphoria hitting me like a wave.

after a minute, the last wave finally hit me and i began to come back into full consciousness. i panted lightly as my body fell out of its tense position. a few after shudders hitting me but i was getting there.

"you did so good, love." sam whispered, pecking my lips.

i felt my cheeks get warm at the praise, slightly surprised with myself.

she rolled off of me, going to the bathroom and soon returning with a damp, warm rag. sam opened my legs and cleaned me gently, aware of my sensitivity. then she came to lay with me.

we got in a comfortable position, my face in her neck and her laying onside, but kind of under me. our legs were tangled together as we sat in a comfortable silence.

"thank you." i said, looking up at her.

and i really did mean it. she had been patient and gentle with me, even before we just did what we did. i wouldn't have wanted my first time to be with anyone else.

as if she knew what i meant by that, she replied with a grin, "of course love," and placed a kiss on my damp forehead.

a thought popped into my head and i frowned. does she even care? i thought. i was gonna say something anyways because i felt bad.

"i'm sorry i didn't do anything for you, i'm just new to this and i didn't wanna fuck it up—" i started.

"lani please stop, you've done more than enough for me. sexual favors are not what i'm looking for. it'll come, but not right now." sam shut me down in a voice that made my breath hitch.

i nodded at her, understanding but still persistent.

"i just want to make you feel like you made me feel, eventually." i mumbled, kissing her shoulder.

"you will, but i'm not in a rush so calm down. i would eat you for the rest of our relationship if i only had that option." she assured. i giggled and shook my head at her, laying back down.

i would get up and shower in a minute, but for now, i just wanna lay with her.


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i think i did alright, but that's really up to y'all.

don't forget to vote and comment bae's

i love youuu <3

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