twenty one.

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"bubbaaaaaa!" i exclaimed, jumping onto the bed beside her.

i could see her roll her eyes and a smile crept over her face. glancing over at me she asked, "what you need, love?"

"you didn't hear me calling you downstairs..." i side eyed her.

"i did, but you was on your way up here anyways," she shrugged.

"now watch, next time you call my name i'm not answering shit, then it's gon' be a problem." i refuted with a fake attitude, scooting away from her slightly.

"lani ain't nobody fuckin' playin', come back over here." sam softly demanded, the tone in her voice heavily contradicting her choice of words.

i tried to hide the fluster in my face and moved closer to her. said girl laid on top of me, her head in its usual spot on my chest. i rubbed on her lower back, raising her shirt up slightly. the bruise that was once there had already healed up.

sam has been over my house for about a week. her dad hasn't made any real effort to apologize, but he has been in contact just to make sure she's safe, which i guess is better than nothing.

we've been going to school and such still, even through the delay. camille and i have been getting pretty close, especially since her friends stopped messing with her. apparently they saw her talking to sam and i at the fair, and they don't want to be associated with "our type". camille was a bit hurt at first, but in her words, "im glad they showed me their true colors because i don't want to be associated  with 'their type' either."

spring break is coming up next week (along with sam's birthday). her dad agreed to letting her stay until after then, which is perfect for what i have planned.

"we have to go to the mall today, i'm sure you're gonna want new clothes for where we're going next week," i stated casually.

sam peeked up at me with a questionable look.

"what're you talking about?" she grinned.

"i know you didn't think i was gonna let you sit in the house on your birthday." i gave her a shocked expression and she straight faced me.

"lani, where are we goinggg?", she dragged.

"camille, her friend, you, and i will be going to destin, florida next week." i said with a smile. sam sat up fully this time and hovered over me.

"you serious?"

"dead serious."

"for real?"

"yes! stop asking me that." i chuckled.

the shock that was once eminent on her face turned into excitement.

"lani what the fuck?!", she exclaimed. "camille's friend is coming... who is she? what all do you have planned? are we gonna go to the beach and have one of those cliche ass moments? cuz i would really like that."

i watched her ramble on with a smile, pleased that i could make her this happy.

sam began to frown though, "how did you pay for all this, and why didn't you say anything? i could've helped you pay for it-"

"aht aht aht. this is a trip for you, birthday girl doesn't pay for anything," i smirked at her and she gave me a pout.

"how much was the rooms and stuff?" she asked.

"that's none of your business bubba." i scooted from beneath her and went to my closet.

i picked out a comfortable sweatsuit since i would be walking around and carrying things.

"get up and get dressed bubs, i wasn't kidding about going to the mall," and i glanced behind me, "i'm spoiling you today."

after looking around my closet some more i felt sam's presence behind me. her arms wrapped around my waist and turned me to face her. a kiss was placed on my forehead and cheeks, reminding me of the night she dropped me off from the fair.

"you are too good to me lani, thank you, seriously." sam whispered into my neck.

i hid a smile and replied, "of course, because i love you."

"i love you more." she declared, bring us impossibly close, so close i thought she would kiss me. but sam only smirked and gently moved me out of the way, going into my closet to find herself an outfit.

i shook off that flustered feeling and grabbed my sweatsuit from the bed, about to get dressed. i stripped down to my bra and underwear.

sam came out of the closet with some clothes, "do you think- oh! i'm sorry." her hands went to cover her eyes and i chuckled at her childish reaction.

i contemplated for a minute before walking toward her.

i sheepishly moved her hands from her face, "it's ok, i'm comfortable with you seeing, unless you're not?"

sam shook her head. "no i'm fine, i just didn't think you wanted me to see."

she was trying hard to keep her attention on my face but wasn't doing the best job.

"now, what were you gonna ask?" i gestured to the clothes in her hand.

"uhh i was gonna ask about this outfit, but i honestly forgot my question. you look really good." she scratched the back of her head, looking me up and down.

i giggled at her comment. "i didn't even put on my clothes yet."

"that's the point. maybe we can just stay here and you can walk around like that, for me."

"only if you'll do the same for me." i shrugged, not really meaning it.

"shittt..." sam began taking her shirt off.

"no, no, sam! we actually have to go to the mall right now. no more pushing it off, especially because we have to get ready for packing." i said sternly, giving her a rigid expression.

which, may i mention, wasn't an easy task.

she only smirked at me, "you talking to me like that, especially half naked, is not helping your case. if anything it's making me more intrigued."


don't mind any errors, this was kind of a filler chapter leading up to the trip. i didn't wanna just skip and not introduce it :)

there are only a few more chapters in this book guys, it's kind of bittersweet😔

don't forget to vote and comment.

anyways, i love you all and i hope all is well <333

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