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the next day...

i turned into sam's neighborhood, looking around at the scenery. in front of a few houses i saw kids outside playing and some older people sat outside on their porches; a few of them even waved at me.

i noticed her neighborhood was pretty similar to mine, only difference being that the houses were a bit nicer on the outside.

i made a left turn deeper into the neighborhood and turned my gps off since her house was on this street. i slowed down even more so i could read the numbers on the mailboxes, keeping an eye out for 1441.

i spotted it in front of a tan brick house and came to a stop, parking in front of it. they had a driveway but i thought it was rude to park in someone's driveway that i didn't know.

i turned my car off and grabbed my book bag, which contained all of the stuff we needed to work on our project. i got out and clicked the lock on my keys multiple times out of habit. there was a cement walkway that led to the front door and i followed it. i paused before knocking on the door, trying to calm my nerves before i embarrassed myself.

i couldn't deny being nervous because one, i had never been to her house before. two, i was gonna have to meet her parents and i've never been good with meeting parents, or strangers in general...

i lifted my hand to knock by and just before my knuckles connected to the door, it opened to reveal sam.

"hey lani." she smiled at me and brought me into a hug, which i accepted immediately. she smelled like vanilla, per usual, and i let it engulf me entirely.

we don't hesitate anymore i realized, with a smile.

after a couple seconds i went to pull away but she squeezed me tighter, as if she didn't wanna let go.

"sam-" i started, but she shook her head in the crook of my neck, making me stop. i squeezed her back without question, though i was a bit concerned.

we hugged for a little while longer and i could feel her breathing slow down as i rubbed her back comfortingly. once it returned to normal she pulled away and i did too.

i paused before asking, "you ok?"

sam shook her head no and i frowned, about to question her some more but yelling from inside the house interrupted me.

"sam! who is that at my door?!" a deep voice sounded.

sam sighed and invited me in, putting a hand behind my waist gently to lead me inside. she closed the door behind me and i followed her to what i'm assuming is the dining area. i observed the interior and noticed the nude/brown color theme they had going on.

a brown skinned man sat at the table with a plethora of papers surrounding him. he peeped over his silver lined glasses to look at us and his eyes wandered over to me, looking me up and down and then back at sam.

"who is this?"

"it's my friend, leilani, she came over because we have a project to work on..." sam answered lowly.

"nice to meet you mr. chapman." i greeted him afterwards, but he didn't say anything.

he looked at sam and i, more so sam, with an expression i couldn't fully identify; but it seemed liked sam knew exactly what it was.

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