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"so your dad called earlier ...?" my mom asked, her eyes boring into sam's.

said woman, along with my dad, arrived home around eight o'clock. sam decided to tell them about her and her dad's argument on the phone. being that it was our house she was staying in, sam felt like it was best to keep them updated on that situation.

"yes, and he asked where i was. i didn't tell him, but do you think i should have? i don't wanna get you guys in any trouble or anything." sam paused to glance from the two of them. "it's very generous that y'all are letting me stay here, and i don't wanna repay y'all with a police intervention."

my mom nodded in understanding. "i don't want you to do anything you're not comfortable with, but i do believe you should tell him you're safe with us. give him our numbers maybe?"

sam didn't say anything, but she didn't look agitated.

"but this is if he calls again." my dad butted in. "like you said, i don't want any unexpected police interventions, so just keep us in the loop. if he calls again let us know?" he suggested.

sam nodded and gave them both a sincere look.

"thank you both, i know this is probably an inconvenience.", and she scratched the back of her neck in slight embarassment. my mom offered a warm smile.

"we are happy to help sam. you are no inconvenience to us, especially that little girl over there," and my mom gestured to me.

i smiled out of instinct and looked down, peering over at a smirking sam.

"ok, ok maria, let's leave the two alone. we got grown folks business to tend to." my dad wiggled his eyebrows at my mom. she chuckled and he escorted her over to the living room, a little two-step in their movement.

i made my way over to sam and pulled her down to me, "the 'grown folks business' they're referring to is sitting on the couch all night and watching martin re-runs."

sam laughed and i did the same, instinctively grabbing her hand and pulling her upstairs. we got to my room and i closed the door behind us.

i took a moment to analyze sam's appearance. her hair was pulled up into a pineapple and her figure was outlined because of the way my clothes fit her. it was a rare and beautiful sight to see. sam caught my gaze and shifted nervously.

"can we go to the mall or something tomorrow? i know you're tired of me wearing your clothes..." she trailed.

i pulled her closer to me, wrapping my arms around her lower back. "that's what you think? i'm honestly enjoying the view," i whispered.

she couldn't even hide her smile.

"you are something, you know that?", and she leaned down so that our foreheads were touching. i felt her hand gently grab my chin.

"something like what...?" i didn't even give her time to answer before i leaned up and connnected our lips.

sam returned the fervor, smoothly moving her lips in sync with mine. i felt the grip on my chin get tighter, but not enough to hurt me. the kiss quickly turned into something intense, and my hands found their way up her— well, my shirt. sam latched onto my bottom lip and sucked, hindering me from kissing her.

this teasing went on for a while until i grabbed her neck and pulled her down to me; she faintly chuckled into my mouth before giving in.

my knees buckled at the sound and sam backed us into the door to keep me from totally giving out. soon enough our tongues were down each other's throats and my composure was dwindling.

a couple taps on my thigh came before she muttered, "jump."

i did as told and sam hiked me onto her waist. she disconnected our lips and began trailing kisses down my neck. she placed a kiss square on my throat and i let out a moan.

my sudden expression made me hyper aware of the situation and the thought dawned on me, are we about to have sex?

i tried to gather my thoughts, but it was becoming difficult with her tongue on the valley of my chest.

"sam..." i called, my hand going to guide the back of her neck.

i could feel her hand linger near my underwear.

"sam." i called again, this time with more seriousness in my tone.

said girl immediately stopped and looked up at me. i could see the range of emotions on her face, and i could tell she became aware of the situation too.

we paused for a minute, our chests heaving. rhythmic pants were the only sound throughtout the room until we both caught our breaths.

"i'm sorry, i don't mean to rush you. i was just in the moment and i thought you— i thought we..." sam didn't finish her sentence, but i know what she meant.

"it's ok. i was in the moment too, and when i realized i just... sorry." i replied.

sam nodded understandingly and walked us over to the bed. i got comfortable on her lap and she leaned back into my pillows. i didn't want this to be awkward so i grabbed her fingers and fiddled with them to distract myself.

"i've never had sex before." might as well put it out there because she'll find out sooner or later.

i glanced up at sam and she didn't look too moved.

"well damn, don't be shocked." i playfully rolled my eyes. sam laughed and took my hands in hers.

"no i don't mean it like that, i just figured." she shrugged. "but that's not a problem. i know these are probably not the ideal circumstances you expected, and that's ok. i'll wait as long as you want to, even if it means we never do."

i grinned and squeezed her hand.

"i'm just nervous that i'll make it awkward if i'm in my head too much. i wanna do it with you, but i wanna be serene when it happens." i assured.

"i get that, i really do." she squinted her eyes at me. "so don't feel like you have to explain that to me again, because i know how you are."

i rolled my eyes, "don't start sam."

she shooed me off, ineffectively of course, because i was still laying up under her.

"when was the first time you had sex, if you wanna share?" i peered up at her.

"you really wanna know?" she asked, a shocked tone in her voice. i nodded from my spot on her chest.

"ok, well it was the summer after sophmore year, i went to this party with some old friends. i saw this fine ass girl from school there—" i cut my eyes at her.

"too much?" she asked.

"too much." i agreed.


this was supposed to go up earlier today, but i kept stalling because i thought it was shitty🧍🏽‍♀️

i hope you guys enjoyed tho, because this book will be coming to an end soon...

i love you all <33!

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