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two weeks later...

sam and i had finished and presented the project about a week ago. ms. darbus seemed to really liked our topic and the small elements we added here and there, which is why we made a 98 on the project.

not gonna say that we expected an A, but we knew we did our shit; so it wasn't much of a surprise. and we bonded almost instantly so working together wasn't a problem.

even after the the project we continued going over one another's houses a few times a week, and it became a regular thing for us to have lunch together or hang out after school. we frequently texted and facetimed when we weren't together and it was becoming very apparent others.

see, before sam, i had a small group of friends that i had been really close with since middle school. but last year a situation went down between us that caused us to go our separate ways. they went on and made other friends, two of them even became close again but i had a hard time making new friends.

so, eventually i just stopped trying.

i was cool with a few people in my classes, but they were surface level relationships. i haven't had a real friend/friend group since them,

that was until sam came along.

she reminded me how nice it was to have a real friendship with someone. even though we weren't super close, it was pretty clear we weren't separating any time soon.

i was actually over her house right now.

"what you over there thinkin about?"

i averted my attention to sam, who was laying beside me on her bed.

after school said girl asked me to come over her house, which was weird because she usually came over mine, but she said her dad wasn't home she felt more comfortable with me being over. nevertheless, i agreed to come and here we were,

laying on her bed and staring at the ceiling, talking about shit.

"nothin much, just us." i said, letting my eyes wander her face.

she only nodded, her eyes doing the same to me.

"... what about us?"

"just our lil friendship, and how fast we got comfy with another. it's kinda weird cuz it takes me a minute to get comfy around people, but you... ion know-", and i looked her in the eyes.

"you remind me of me, i think that's why." i shrugged, which was barely noticeable since i was laying down, but i think she got the memo.

"same, but i don't know why... you just so easy to be myself around, i don't feel like you would judge me or anything." a little grin formed on her face, and i could almost see her adorable head tilt.

"i wouldn't, you know that.", and i looked back at the ceiling.

i felt sam gently grab my left hand and play with my fingers, something she did quite often. we stayed silent for a minute, just thinking i guess.

i know i was.

"i like you."

my head turned slowly and i scanned her face for a sign of playfulness but i found none. and for a minute i began to question if someone else said it, but i knew we were the only two in the room.

"you serious?" i asked her.

she nodded her head and glanced at me, only to quickly look back at the ceiling. i could sense her nervousness and i felt myself blush, though you couldn't physically tell because of my complexion.

"don't be nervous, i like you too." i admitted softly.

"you serious?"

"yeah, i just never said anything cuz i didn't think you'd feel the same." i stated honestly.

sam giggled, chuckled lowly and furrowed her eyebrows.

"i don't know what made you think that, the subtle smiles and compliments and hand holding... i thought you knew", and she shook her head reticently; as if to shake those thoughts away.

now that she was saying it out loud, it did make a lot of sense.

sometimes i can be a bit slow.

"i mean it makes sense now, but i didn't think it was intentional, it felt so natural..."

"it felt the same way for me. i never really thought too much about showing you i liked you, it just came naturally." her soft tone let me know she in some state of contentment right now.

her eyes stopped wandering and fixed on mine after her statement and it felt like, for a minute, everything was at peace.

i noticed a new detail every time i looked at sam, and this time it happened to be the tiny beauty mark on her bottom lip.

while i snuck my glances, i couldn't help but notice sam was doing the same. i studied her face and i saw a look of realization hit her before she asked,

"uh... there's this fair on sunday, and i was gonna ask you to come with me if you want." i could tell she was more confident with her words now, knowing i liked her too.

"i would love to." i said sweetly, giving her a reassuring smile.

even though she had turned away from me i could still see the grin form on her face. instead of asking her to look at me, i let her have her moment because i was having one too.


i hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to vote and comment.

i love you guys🤎.

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