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i'm sorry this is late but i caught writers block halfway through the chapter :(
and i didn't proofread this so excuse the errors please, i'm exhausted❤️.


sam and i headed toward the ticket booths, walking rather quickly because the lines were beginning to get longer. when we got closer i could make out the four lines that all lead to booths, sam and i got in the shortest one.

my eyes began to wander all over from interest and excitement. bright lights shined overhead and from different stands, illuminating the open area.

i seen a few families walking past, little kids giggling happily and smudging cotton candy all over themselves. the parents just trudging behind carrying prizes and tickets. other teenagers, like sam and i, out in groups. i also noticed a funnel cake stand not too far from the entrance. and along with the ferris wheel i seen earlier, i spotted other rides that i would definitely be getting on.

the line was moving pretty fast and soon enough we made it to the front. we each paid for our wristbands and a ride pass, so we could skip the lines. i thanked the person working at the booth, and the two of us were on our way.

"should we get our faces painted?" sam questioned, doing her adorable head tilt. i resisted the urge to awe and shrugged.

"i don't know, i kinda wanna play a game first." i answered, eyeing a ballon dart stand not too far away.

"wait! we should get on rides first, and then we can go play games and win prizes and shit. then by the time we burned out, we can go get food?"

"yeah that's sounds like a plan, come on..." i trailed off and gestured for her to take my hand. she grasped it with a smile that i gladly returned.

even though sam walked right beside me, i led the way. i was looking for some variation of an orbiter ride, because it's always been one of my favorites. it was a lot of people in the way but i managed to catch sight of it, with the help of a taller sam. we maneuvered through the crowd and finally got to it, my excitement becoming very evident.

being here was bringing back so much nostalgia.

we handed the ride operator our pass, skipping the line as politely as possible. he told us to find seats, so we did. sam picked out a pair of orange seats for us and we buckled in tightly.

i looked down at my feet, swaying them absentmindedly since they didn't touch the ground.

"i haven't been on one of these in so long, i feel like a little kid," and my face scrunched cutely as i looked over at sam.

"same, i'm finna have so much fun dawg," and she continued to forcefully rock herself in the seat.

i giggled slightly, "i can tell."

the ride operator came over to check our restraints, making sure they were properly secured. he did the same to everyone else and soon the ride began to move.

sam and i held each other's hands until we couldn't, and the chairs were too far apart. i beamed childishly and sam looked below us at the fair grounds as we swung above them. others on the ride were smiling and giggling contagiously, furthering the good vibes. i felt a rush of calmness run through me.

tonight was gonna be fun.


sam and i had rode almost every ride at the fair. including bumper cars, a few roller coasters, and the tilt-a-whirl.

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