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when sam and i walked into the smoothie place, i nearly sighed at the aroma that flooded my nose.

"it smells so fuckin good in here." i muttered; to no one in particular.

"yea it does." sam agreed, looking at me with a grin.

we went to stand in the order line and decide what we wanted as an old couple stood in front of us. my stare diverted to the overhead menu and i saw a couple smoothies that sounded good but i still wasn't sure. sam stood beside me not even looking at the menu, probably already knowing what she wanted.

"what you think i should get?" i asked her. she looked up at the menu and back down at me.

"what type of fruit you like?"

" i love almost every citrusy fruit, and i like berries a lot... but i'm not too keen on some tropical fruits."

she nodded and looked up at the menu, eyes scattering rapidly.

"i think you should get 'sunrise sunset', it got citrusy shit like that in it." she pointed discretely up at the menu and i followed her line of vision to spot the smoothie she was talking about.

it had strawberries, pineapple, mango, and orange juice in it, which already sounded good to me. but then i saw that it came with a little cup umbrella and i knew for a fact that's what i was ordering.

"what you gettin?"

"umm... probably the same thing i usually get, the 'bahama mama'." i nodded and looked up at the menu, in search of this drink.

it sounded ok to me, but she must've really liked it.

the older couple in front of us finished ordering and we stepped up to the register, ready to order. the cashier, a latino lady, looked up at us with a bright smile.

"welcome to tropical smoothie cafe, what would you guys like?" she asked politely.

"umm can i get the sunrise sunset in a size...?" she trailed off, looking over at me for an answer.

"a medium, please." i stated.

"in a medium, and then can i get a bahama mama in a medium too." she concluded.

the cashier nodded her head and took down our order in the electronic register.

"that'll be all?"


"alright, you're total is $8.02."

i went to pull some cash out of my wallet when sam shook her head at me. i scrunched my eyebrows slightly and went to do it again but she pulled out her card and handed it over to the cashier before i could, giving me a smirk. i shook my head and squinted at her with playful menace.

the cashier swiped it and handed it back over, printing out a receipt shortly afterwards.

"you're smoothies should be out in a minute, you guys have a great day." said lady spoke and i gave her smile, telling her to have a great day too.

we moved over to the pickup line, making way for the next people in line while we waited for our smoothies. as the cashier said, not long after, another employee emerged from the back with our drinks. we both thanked him and took our respective smoothies, walking off to find a place to sit.

there weren't many people inside so our seating selection varied, but we eventually chose a small booth towards the back.

i opened my straw eagerly, ready to taste the orangey-pink drink. i subconsciously sniffed it, like i do with all of my food/drinks before i eat/drink them.

sam gave me a questionable look but didn't say anything, going back to opening up her own straw.

i took a couple sips of it and looked up at her, my face contorting into a smile "this shit taste good."

she smiled back and nodded, "good."

i took some more sips from my drink as we sat silently, enjoying one another's company. i observed the people around us, seeing some people sit quietly, and others talk their partners ears off. it made me think about how sam and i would talk to one another.

our conversation were usually short and sweet, but always meaningful and genuine. it was usually hard for me to start conversations with people but with sam it always came naturally, i didn't have to think about it too much.

now that the thought of talking was on my mind, i felt like doing it. there was something amongst my thoughts that i felt was important to bring up but i couldn't put my finger on it. my mind wandered to the conversation my mom and i had this morning and it came back to me.

"oh! i meant to tell you earlier but my mom said family's coming over tomorrow so it might not be the best place to work on our project." i said, gaining sam's attention.

it took a minute for her to realize what i said, but when she did her face dropped slightly.

"so we can't work at yours?"

"i mean... not if you wanna be productive." i answered.

"well... i guess we can work at mines... if you're okay with that...?" she suggested hesitantly, her body language reading uncomfortably.

whenever the topic of her home was brought up i noticed she became almost... irritable. but not in a harsh way, in an uncomfortable way, like she didn't wanna talk about it any longer than she had to.

i could tell something was bothering her and i wanted to ask, but i knew it was none of my business, so i only nodded assuringly with a gentle smile.

"yea it's fine with me... is it okay with you?" i asked considerately.

she nodded and a smile flickered on her face when she heard my tone.

"yea it's ok with me."


something short and sweet to hold y'all until the next chapter.

i'm truly sorry if y'all are getting bored but i don't wanna just jump around to the good parts, i want y'all to see the little meaningful moments in between those times.

i hope y'all enjoyed it tho.

don't forget to vote and comment, i love you guys🤎.

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