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"what movie you wanna watch?" sam asked me, clinging onto my waist.

"i don't know, something on disney plus... maybe coco?" i angled my head toward her to ask.

"that movie makes me cryyy," she dragged. i unwrapped her arms from around me and led her toward the living room.

"me too, but i like movies like that. but we don't have to watch it if you don't want," i shrugged.

"no it's fine, i haven't seen it in a while anyway." sam laid down on the couch and opened her arms to me. "c'mere."

i went to lay on top of her, entangling our legs together. my arms snuck beneath her body and hers wrapped around my lower back. for someone with small boobs, her chest was unusually comfortable.

"pass me the remote," i muttered. sam leaned up slightly to grab it off the backrest, handing it to me.

i powered on the tv and went to the disney+ app.

we called it quits with cable a long time ago. now we just have a streaming stick and we pay for wi-fi, which is quite less problematic.

i scrolled through a couple of rows on the home screen for the movie, to no prevail. so i gave up and just went to the search bar to type it in. as soon as i typed "co", coco popped up as the first option.

i clicked on it, but before i could press the play button, one of our phones rang.

"who the fuck is that?" sam mumbled in annoyance, sitting up to go find the source.

i sat up along with her, which was admittedly hard because we were in an undeniably comfortable position. but we both had the same ringtone so it was no telling who's phone it was. i went to look in the kitchen while sam searched in our little dining area.

i heard the ringing getting closer as i walked further in, and i spotted sam's phone on the counter by the sink. i went to grab it, and when i got sight of the caller id, it made me stand still.

"sam, come here." i called, trying to keep a casual voice.

i heard her footsteps getting closer and soon she was right beside me. i didn't have to gesture to the phone because she heard it, and then she picked it up.

"why is he calling me?" she asked, more so to herself than to me.

"i mean he is your guardian, maybe he just wants to know where you are?" i hesitantly suggested.

"he didn't give a fuck about where i was last night, so why is he calling me now...?" sam rebutted, to which i only shrugged.

i didn't wanna pressure her in any way, so i just stayed silent as she stared at the phone until it stopped ringing.

"should i call him back?" she asked me.

"that's up to you, and if you do, just remember you have a place to stay until you decide to leave, so don't feel like you have to be nice." i told her.

if anything that man deserves to be fucking cussed out, but i didn't say that to sam.

"i mean... ok, i'm gonna call him back." she stated. i subconsciously grabbed her hand as she pressed his contact name; i got a stare in return.

"oh, sorry i-" sam cut me off.

"no don't be sorry, i was gonna say thank you." she assured with a grin.

i returned the gesture and she leaned down to kiss my forehead.

sam put the phone up to her ear and i could hear it faintly ring for a couple seconds. i don't know why i was so anxious, he's not my father.

"hello?" sam questioned.

i could hear him on the other end, but it was muffled.

"why should i tell you that?"

sam's face began to scrunch up and the conversation seemed to go downhill from there. a lot of yelling was being heard from the other end and sam said something along the lines of "you don't even know where your daughter is and you still have the time to be homophobic?"

her dad's response after that definitely wasn't a nice one because i could see sam's eyes begin to water. that was it for me.

"hang up the phone," i mouthed.

she shook her head at me and continued arguing with him. i sighed and let her carry on, until i could see veins popping out of her neck.

"hang up the phone." i pleaded softly.

sam looked like she wanted to refuse, but after he kept yelling, she finally moved the phone from her ear and hung up. i took it from her and sat it on the counter, glancing back to see her reaction. she didn't say anything for a while, so i took us back to the living room.

"what did he say?" i asked.

"nothing important, just asking me where i was and being an asshole about everything. he didn't even apologize about last night... but like i said, it's nothing i can do about it. i don't know why i keep letting him make me so upset." she shook her head, setting her face in her palms.

"well he is your father, it's easy for a loved one to get under your skin." i commented.

"he is, but i don't wanna keep doing this with him. until he can learn from his mistakes, which may be never, i will be staying out of his way... i don't wanna talk about him anymore, let's just watch the movie"

"bubba, i don't want you to distract yourself from him with me. i don't have a problem with you feeling the way you feel, especially right now." i assured. sam sat up and gestured for me to look at her.

"listen to me, love. you are not my distraction from him. he is my distraction from you, he is the problem, always has been. just because you're in my life now doesn't mean you need to carry my burden with us." she joined our hands. "i wanna be here, with you, right now."

i was in awe of the person in front of me. in that moment i couldn't find any other words to express what i was feeling, except for those three i had been avoiding.

"i love you. and i'm not just saying that because i feel like i'm supposed to, i'm saying that because i feel it." i told her genuinely, and i felt my eyes water while doing so.

sam smiled at me and we brought each other into a long, tight hug. i felt her breath on my neck.

"i love you, i really do," she muttered.


i was writing non-stop this morning cuz i missed this book so much.
i hope you guys enjoyed it as much as i enjoyed writing it.

i love you, as always <33.

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