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i staggered down the stairs, my heavy back pack weighing on my shoulders, and walked into the kitchen. i saw my mom putting eggo's in the oven, making out only two on the baking sheet i assumed she was making them for herself.

i sat my bag in a chair from the dining table and went to one of the cabinets, grabbing the five-pound box of oatmeal. i had begged my mom to get it a couple weeks ago at the grocery store; she gave in with little persuasion being that she loved oatmeal as much as i did.

"you must've woke up late?" i looked over at my mom as she looked me up and down, analyzing my outfit. i shook my head and chuckled.

"no, i just like comfy clothes." i replied. i had on an oversized beige crewneck and some baggy sweatpants that covered the top half of my air force ones. several layered necklaces scattered my chest and my glasses kept falling to the tip of my nose.

most people who wear contacts don't like wearing their glasses, but i put mine on from time to time cause i think they frame my face well.

my mom only nodded and went back to typing on her phone.

i scooped out some oatmeal and poured it into the bowl i grabbed before. i added some almond milk, brown sugar, and put it in the microwave for thirty second intervals until the consistency was to my liking.

my dad was already off to work by this time so it was just me and mom.

i grabbed a knife and some strawberries from the fridge to chop them up on top of my oatmeal. once i placed them in their usual pattern i grabbed a spoon and began eating. i took my time since school didn't start till eight thirty and it was only seven fourty-five.

"your grandma, grandpa, and some cousins are coming over on thursday night, just to give you a heads up." my mom stated while still looking down at her phone.

i looked up confusion, "b-but me and sam were supposed to be working over here again on thursday, i meant to ask you about that... what time are they coming?"

my mom had smirked at the mention of sam.

"around five i think, but it could be later."

"that's what time she was supposed to be over though..." and i let my head fall to the side with a frown.

"well if y'all actually wanna get something done, i don't recommend working here." she said and i sighed lowly because she was right.

my family could be a very loud bunch when they got together, especially my grandpa, who couldn't talk in an inside voice to save his life. that not including my nosey cousins who never stayed out of my room.

we wouldn't get anything done.

i didn't wanna inconvenience sam because there seemed to be a reason why she wanted to work here, but unfortunately i have to.

i finished up my oatmeal in thought and sat the bowl in the sink. the stove clock read 7:56 so i grabbed my book bag from the dining chair and walked over to my mom to tell her goodbye.

"bye mama, i'll let you know what we decide to do for tomorrow," and i kissed her on the cheek.

she nodded at me and gave a small smile, "alright that's fine baby, have a good day at school, i love you."

"i love you too." i walked out of the kitchen and to the front door to exit.

the cool, foggy air hit me dead in the face as soon as the door opened up and i breathed in softly, closing it behind me. i stepped off the cement patio and went over to my car, a 2015 toyota camry that i held dear. my parents had brought it for me at the beginning of last semester, before then i never knew how good it felt to drive your own car.

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