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i'm outside


ok, here i come


nah i'm comin to the door, i wanna speak to ya parents

i grabbed my tote and made my way downstairs anxiously. not only because i wanted to see her, but also because i was concerned. the sound of my footsteps grabbed the attention of my mom and dad, who were in the living room watching tv.

"aw you look cute, sam here?" my mom asked.

i nodded, "yeah, but she finna come in and speak, then we leavin'."

"ok, go open the door-" a knock from the front door stopped my dad mid-sentence.

knowing who is was, i hurriedly went to open it, and was met with sam.

"hey lani." she gave me a toothless grin and brought me into a tight hug, which i reciprocated immediately.

we pulled away and i looked at her hesitantly, wanting to ask about what happened earlier. but i guess sam could tell, because as soon as i opened my mouth she nodded.

"i know, i wanna talk about it in the car. lemme speak to ya parents first." she gave me a sincere look and i nodded understandingly.

sam gently moved me aside so she could step in, her hand around my waist; which i noticed was a habit of hers. i led her to the living room where my parents were and she greeted them and they made small conversation. i could tell my parents actually liked her, which was odd because they're never too fond of anyone.

after a few minutes they wrapped up and we eventually left, but not before i said goodbye to both of them. sam and i walked out to her car and she opened the door for me, per usual.

any other day i would've grabbed the aux but it didn't feel appropriate right now, the uneasy tension floating around. sam crunk up the car and let the radio play lowly, pulling out of the neighborhood. i took notice of her seatbelt not being on and tapped her shoulder. she responded with a hum, glancing over at me.

"put on your seatbelt." i said lowly, averting my gaze back out the window.

i wanted to talk to her about what happened earlier, or ask if she wanted to talk about it. but i didn't wanna initiate the conversation, afraid i would be overbearing.

so i continued staring out the window, attempting to get my mind off of it. which wasn't very hard because overthinking is a friend of mine.

"he's always acted like that." she spoke so lowly that i almost didn't hear her. i knew what she was referring to though, so i looked over and waited for a continuance.

"ever since i came out he's acted that way. he usually can keep his thoughts to himself, but not always. whenever i wear something 'too masculine' or do something too 'man-like' he kinda blows up like that.

"i know i shouldn't let it be normalized, but it's become something i don't mind anymore. he goes on his verbal rampages and i sit and listen, it's not like i can do much since i live under his roof..." sam didn't dare look at me the whole time she spoke, and i wondered if it was cause she was actually sad or if she was trying to pay attention. either way, i still listened to her thoroughly and concluded that it was the former.

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