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the next day flew by as expected, and before i knew it five o'clock was approaching.

i glanced at my clock for the millionth time this evening, which only caused my anxiety to worsen. i had already told my parents sam was coming over, my room was clean, and i even prepared some notes for the project. you would think i had nothing to worry about, and if you look at it from that perspective, i don't.

but just thinking about being around sam gave me butterflies, the fact that she was actually gonna be in my room made me anxious as hell.

i made my way downstairs to wait and saw my mom and dad were both in the kitchen, snooping around to wait on sam. i rolled my eyes slightly and sat on the couch, scrolling through my instagram timeline.

my ears perked up as i heard a knock from the front door. i felt my mom and dads eyes on me as i slowly went to answer it. my hand met with the cold doorknob and i took a deep breath to calm myself down before opening it.

on the other side i was met with sam, who smiled once she saw me at the door. i smiled back and spoke to her.

"hey sam."

"wassup leilani..." and she trailed off her sentence while staring at me.

we both stood in silence until my mom spoke from the kitchen.

"invite her in lani! y'all can't work outside!"

i mentally facepalmed and sam chuckled, stepping into the house. i close the door behind her and led her to the doorway of the kitchen, where my mom stood with a smirk and my dad with a blank face.

"umm sam this is my mom and dad, mom and dad this is sam... my classmate." i spoke hesitantly, trying to look anywhere but at them.

"hi mr. and mrs. jordan." sam greeted them politely and i saw my mom raise her eyebrows.

"hey sweetheart, it's nice to meet you..." my mom nudged my dad's shoulder.

"oh yea, hi sam. it's very nice to meet you." he gave a smile that seemed genuine and i cracked a grin.

we all stood there in an awkward silence until i figured i should break it.

"we're supposed to be working on a project together... so we'll be up in my room for a few hours..." out of my peripheral i saw my mom almost chuckle at my nervousness.

i grabbed sam's hand and led her behind me and up the stairs; she followed while grasping my hand lightly. when we made it to my room i pointed over to the bean bag i had in the corner close to my bed, gesturing for her to sit.

she plopped down in it, trying to discreetly observe my room in the process. i grabbed my book bag and sat in the middle of my bed, criss cross applesauce.

"so, do you have any topics in mind that we could use?" i asked her.

"i have a few, you?" i nodded at her and pulled out a piece of paper from my bag.

"well to get started we can write them all down and use process of elimination to pick, that ok?" i gave her a questionable look and she nodded, giving me her answer.

i wrote the three topics i had in mind and then asked her what hers were; she began listing them off.


"christianity and homophobia."

"wage gaps."

"ivy leagues and where their grant money goes... because it's definitely not the students.", and i chuckled at that one because it's true. i once read an article on that and let's just say, they're not helping anybody but themselves.

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