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the long awaited...


"sam." i cooed lightly, attempting to wake her up. she was laying right on top of me and i had to pee.

i got a low groan in return, but no movement. i sighed and looked around my room, as if i would find a solution that way. i obviously did not.

"sam i have to pee." i whispered, nudging her torso. she stirred a bit and soon after her eyes fluttered open. the sunlight peeking through the windows made her wince and close them back.

"g'morning," and sam looked up at me, smiling faintly.


we both sat up and i shimmied from underneath her. the cold tile in the bathroom gave me goosebumps as i stepped in. i went to the toilet to release my bodily fluids, flushing and washing my hands afterwards. i headed back to my room where i found sam stretched out in the bed. i joined her, cuddling into her side and entangling our legs.

"are your parents up yet?" sam asked. i looked over at my clock for the time.


"they're probably getting ready for work, we'll go down there in a minute...", and my eyes trailed down to her stomach "you need to ice your back later." i countered.

"that's gonna hurt." she replied plainly.

"it started hurting bad?" i asked.

"yeah, it's throbbing." she replied, giving me a weak smile, the cut on her lip completely visible now.

"i'm sorry your dad did this to you. this is not ok at all..." i trailed off, tracing the bones of her her rib cage. sam didn't say anything, but after a minute her jaw fixed to speak.

"i know you are, but it's really nothing anyone could've done to stop it. shit could've gone way worse than it did, but i'm ok ." she told me calmly. i took hold of her hand and rubbed her knuckles, placing a soft kiss on them.

i wanted to say something else but the words wouldn't formulate in my head. so, i'm giving her the best non-verbal comfort i know how.

we both settled into the comfortable silence. i let my heavy eyelids close and listened to faint sound of sam's heartbeat. speaking of her heart, something else came to mind.

last night she said "i love you", or at least i think she did. i could one hundred percent just be delusional, but it does make me think. i feel a strong connection with her, and i have love for her like i've never had for anyone else. i do love sam, but am i in love with her? i think she's a beautiful soul, and i am inherently attracted to sam. my heart knows it before my mind does. not only physically, but mentally, romantically and sexually. i want to know her on all levels, as deep as i can get, and i hope the feeling is mutual.

i glanced over at the clock again.


"bubba, they're probably in the kitchen now, come on." sam sighed and sat up, bringing me with her. i pushed myself up from the bed and made my way to the door. sam got up but stood awkwardly by my dresser. i looked at her with a blank expression, obviously in confusion.

"i need a shirt..." it was then i noticed she was almost half naked.

"right," and i hurried over to find her a shirt in my dresser. i grabbed the biggest one i could find and handed it to sam. after slipping it on, the both of us headed downstairs.

my mom was grabbing her lunchbox from the fridge and my dad was talking her head off about some sports game, the usual. at this point she's mastered the art of tuning him out.

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