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shortly after sam and i made it to the balloon dart stand, we began going from stand to stand to play different games. sam won multiple of my prizes for me as i did for her, hence why the backseat was full of stuffed animals.

then afterwards we headed to the funnel cake stand i saw earlier and ordered a strawberry topped one with ice cream.

probably gained five pounds eating it too.

we were gonna get actual food, but after that we were full. so before we left, i went to the main concession stand and brought some candy apples for my mom. after that we finally left the fair.

sam was now pulling into my neighborhood to drop me back off. which was unfortunate because i didn't want this night to end yet, and neither did she. i was honestly thinking of asking her to take me one last place before dropping me off, but i didn't have a place in mind.

"why you lookin so sad, didn't we have fun?" sam asked suddenly, concern settling on her face, along with a pout. i quickly nodded my head.

"no we did. i'm just kinda sad that you gotta drop me off now." i gave a sad smile. she did the same and nodded.

"yeah i'm sad you gotta go too, but we'll see each other at school, and that's not too far away." she chuckled lightly at the last part while pulling into my driveway.

"i know, i'm just being clingy..." i mumbled the last part more so to myself, thankful she didn't hear me.

she turned the car off and we both got out, making our way to the backseat to gather my things. the stuffed animals i was talking about earlier, my candy apples and my tote were in the back. sam insisted on carrying my stuffed animals for me but i told her i didn't mind. she complied and grabbed my tote and candy apples.

she walked me to the door and we stopped right in front of it, stalling.

"i really did have fun tonight, thank you for taking me." i said genuinely.

"you're welcome. i had a lot of fun with you too." i nodded with a smile, glancing down at my feet and back to her.

"are you gonna be ok back home? with your dad?" i asked hesitantly.

"yes." she answered immediately after, not giving it a second thought. i shot her a pointed look and she sighed, nodding assuringly.

"i'm gonna be fine, i promise." she answered and i nodded.

"okay. be safe please, and text me before you go to bed." i said, playful poking her in the chest. she chuckled and nodded, saying a low 'yes ma'am'.

she knocked on the front door, and i almost stopped her before i realized i needed to go in eventually. she gently dropped the candy apples in my tote and placed it in my empty hand. we made eye contact for a moment and she brought her hand up to gently swipe my cheek. i was a bit caught off guard, but a small smile instinctively formed on my lips.

taller leaned down to kiss my forehead, and then my nose, and then she paused. i could feel her breathe on my lips momentarily, faint smell of strawberry; and i'm sure she could feel mine. sam backed away slowly and swiped my cheek one last time before removing her hand.

"i'll text to let you know i made it safe, ok?" she gave me a questionable look.

"ok." i nodded softly, body still hot from her being so close.

with that she walked back to her car, but didn't pull off. i assumed she was waiting for me to go inside.

as if on cue, the front door suddenly opened and there my mom was. her eyes widened in surprise at my filled hands.

"oh! looks like y'all had fun," and she took a few of the items from my hold.

she stepped outside a little, seeing sam's car and waving politely to her. you could faintly see sam wave back through the windshield before actually pulling out of the driveway and leaving.

i focused back on my mom and smiled, "yeah, we did."

she moved aside so i could step inside, then closed the door behind me. we migrated to the kitchen and i sat my things down on the table. i pulled out the candy apples from my tote and sat them down too.

"ouuu, you know i love candy apples, thank you baby!" she exclaimed, going to put them in the fridge.

"yeah i know, that's why i bought them." i mumbled lowly with a grin.

after my mom put them up she came and sat down at the table. i followed and slipped my shoes off, feet a little sore from walking around all night.

"so, what did you guys do?" she asked, knowing smirk upon her face. i rolled my eyes softly and chuckled at her.

i told her all about our night and what we did at the fair, from beginning to end. i only left out a few details, specifically what happened before she opened the front door. i even told her about seeing camille and her mistaking us for a couple; to which she laughed and told me it wasn't far from the truth.

we talked for a bit after that and soon we both went up to our rooms. my dad was already in bed so the house was pretty quiet.

i closed my bedroom door behind me and plopped all of my things in my bean bag chair. i didn't have the energy to put it all up now, so it would probably get done in the morning. i was planning on heading straight to the shower since nine o'clock was already approaching.

i took off my jacket and all the jewelry i had on, then pulled my hair up in a loose pineapple before throwing my bonnet on. i grabbed a few of the hygiene products (and my speaker) i kept in my room to take with me. the rest were in my bathroom across the hall; which i made my way to shortly after.

i did my usual night routine that consisted of brushing my teeth, showering, skincare, etc. and after about thirty minutes i was out and back in my room.

my recent playlist was still playing so i let it while i put on lotion and got dressed for bed. right after i got comfy, the current song playing on my speaker was halted by a ding, notifying me i got a message. sam was the first person that came to mind and i sat up to grab my phone.


you might be in bed already but i just texted to let you know i made it safe. i hope you have the loveliest of dreams🦦.

oh, and check your snap messages...

i squinted my eyes curiously, quickly pulling up snapchat to check. i opened our messages and saw all of the pictures we took together tonight. some of them were cute ones we took of each other, and some of them we asked other people to take of us. i smiled and saved them all to my phone, going back to our regular messages.

thank you for the pictures🥺, and i hope you have the loveliest of dreams too <3


i'm sorry for leaving y'all hanging but the writers block was kicking in. i'm not even too sure about this chapter but i had it give y'all something😭.

i love you guys and i hope you have the loveliest of dreams, like sam said🤎.

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