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"i wanna go somewhere." sam said suddenly, looking up at me from her spot on the bed. my eyebrows scrunched in curiosity and i glanced over at her.


after our little moment earlier we decided to go ahead and do whatever homework we had. i was copying some science notes that my teacher had posted and sam was typing away on her laptop. latter laying horizontally on her stomach while i was sitting upright against the headboard with my legs resting gently on her back; notebook and textbook in my lap.

i heard her sigh before answering, "i don't know, what time your parents gonna be back?"

i glanced over at my clock and saw the time read 5:06. time had passed by quicker than i thought.

"they should be back around 8 o'clock, my dad might be a little later." i said, continuing to write my notes in the ridiculous format my teacher preferred. i saw sam pause for a minute, looking to be in thought.

"well i'm 'bout finished with my homework, you got anything else after that?", and she gestured to my science textbook. i shook my head.

"ok, well where you wanna go?" she asked and i looked up to see her already looking at me. i thought for a moment on what we could do in a timely manner. i was getting kind of hungry so maybe we can go get food and do something else.

i was craving some moe's

"i wanna go get food from moe's, and then we can go somewhere else if you want..." i answered finally. sam nodded in agreement and went back to typing vigorously.

"ok lemme finish and then we can head out." she said, still looking at the computer. i nodded even though she couldn't see me.

about twenty minutes later, we had both finished everything. i removed my legs from her back and she sat up from her spot. i put all of my school things back in my bag; i don't look at anything that pertains to school after i'm done with it. sam did the same, except she sat her laptop on my desk.

"did i leave my shoes downstairs?" sam asked me, tilting her head slightly.

"i think so." i replied, slipping on my black converse that i previously had on.

i grabbed my wallet and keys. i didn't feel like bringing a purse so i put my mini vaseline in my pocket. sam grabbed her necessities also and was waiting for me by my bedroom door. we went downstairs to get sam's shoes, and obviously because we were about to leave. once she was ready we exited through the front door and i locked it behind us.

we made it out to the car and i opened the door for her this time. when i got to the passenger seat sam already held the aux out for me with a smile. i returned the expression and took it, connecting my phone.

"you know where the moe's at over here?" i asked her while scrolling through my playlists. i could see her shake her head from my peripheral. i looked up at her with a screwed face.

"why didn't you let me drive?" i asked like

"i don't know, i really wasn't thinking about it, but chill out. you can be my personal gps, which is way better than siri.", and she smirked playfully at me.

i giggled and mushed her face, "corny ass."

sam pulled out of the driveway and soon we were out of my neighborhood. from then i directed to the moe's that was about fifteen minutes away from my house. after she missed a couple turns and made multiple u-turns, we made it to the restaurant. she pulled into the parking lot, and since they didn't have a drive-thru we had to go in.

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