twenty six.

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i glanced at myself in the mirror at my half naked body. red and nearly purple marks littered my skin, and a grin formed around the toothbrush in my mouth. i spit the remaining paste and saliva out in the sink, rinsing my mouth and drying it afterwards.

i heard light footstep from outside of the bathroom. sam soon walked in and i smiled, "g'morning bubba."

she returned the greeting and joined beside me. we got ready together without a word, sneaking little glances at one another in the mirror. sure it was elementary of us to act like this, but elementary was ok with me right now.

once we both got done doing our morning hygiene, sam turned to me, grabbing my hand.

i looked up at her shyly, "yes?"

"you feeling alright?" sam asked, tilting her head in a way that reminds me of when we first met.

look at where we are now.

"i'm alright, last night still on my mind that's all." i mumbled the last bit, looking down at my feet. sam gently lifted my chin, looking over my body as she did so.

"it's on mine too no doubt," and she bent down to kiss my forehead. "let's go get dressed."

i nodded and let her lead me into the bedroom. i picked out a simple outfit and got dressed rather quickly; camille and asia were downstairs waiting for us.

last night, while me and sam were doing the do, camille and asia had went out to this rage room. by the time they came back, we were already showered and fast asleep.

asia woke me up this morning asking if we wanted to go eat breakfast in the hotel, and of course i said yes. so that brings us up to this point.

i watched as sam put on the rest of her outfit, since i was already done. once said girl did so, we made our way down to the lobbies' breakfast area hand in hand.

i looked around for camille and asia in the fairly empty dining space, except for a few older couples and families. i found them seated at a sectioned off table near the side. sam must've spotted them too, because we began walking towards them at the same time. once we neared the table, camille and asia looked up at us from the buffet menu, waving enthusiastically.

"hey you two, good morning." i spoke first, giving asia a side hug and camille a peck on the cheek before sitting across from her.

sam greeted them in her own way before settling across from asia. her hand found it's way to a comfortable spot on my thigh.

"feel like i ain't seen y'all niggas in forever, how was last night?" sam asked the two, grinning like a cheshire cat.

at first my eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but i then realized what she was grinning about. camille and asia were sitting unusually close, not to mention their arms were literally tangled up in one another's.

i smirked out of instinct, already making a mental note to ask camille about the details of last night.

"it was fun as hell. the rage room was cool, especially because i had never been to one, even though camille almost knocked my head off." asia side eyed her but continued, "then we went to grab some food at an old-school themed diner, that's why we came back a little later then expected."

camille added to the story, "and our waitress, jelani, was telling me about her lash tech because i complimented her lashes. she said she travels back and forth from our city and here, so i can actually book with her! i got her instagram and everything." she beamed.

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