twenty two

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this is a long one for you guys, so enjoy
and leave comments for me, i look forward to reading them <33
also, excuse any errors


"bubba stop! i have to put that in my suitcase." i pouted.

sam tauntingly held my toiletry bag above her head, amused at my expression.

"you can come and get it lani, it's not like i hid it," she shrugged. her smug expression revealing to me she knew exactly what she was doing.

"i can't reach that." i admitted what we both already knew.

"oh you can't? my bad." sam came into fake realization and slowly lowered my bag to where i could grab it.

"thank you." i snatched it from her, walking away with an attitude.

i put it in my suitcase on top of all my clothes. i wouldn't need to put anything else in it because we were leaving today. camille and her friend, asia, are on the way to meet with us at my house.

we're driving to destin instead of taking a plane, which is why we're up at five in the morning. i was in the middle of packing last minute toiletries, and i don't know why sam decided this was the time to mess with me. i wasn't actually upset with her, i just wanted her to think that.

said girl came up behind me, pulling us closer.

"sam move." i demanded softly.

"sam?" she asked in disbelief.

"yes, isn't that your name?" i asked, trying to prevent myself from laughing.

"not to you." i could hear the frown in her voice. "i'm sorry, i was just playin', don't be upset with me."

i turned around in sam's arms, cracking because she sounded so sincere. i can't even stay fake mad at her.

"i was just playing too bub, i'm not upset with you, sorry." i pecked her nose and turned back around.

said girl smacked her teeth and unexpectedly turned me back around, taking hold of my chin.

"why you keep doin' that?" she asked.

"doing what?" i asked in genuine confusion.

"catching fake attitudes wimme', you need to chill out with that." she rasped. i avoided eye contact with her, flustered.

"and stop with that shy shit lani, i'm not gon' bite you."

"what if i want you to bite me?" i asked innocently. sam lifted her eyebrows, looking over me for a moment. she took in a deep breathe before mumbling an incoherent response.

"as much as i would love to, we got somewhere to be love." and she pecked my lips, letting go of my waist.

sam walked off to finish packing her suitcase and i had to pull myself out of the daze i was stuck in before doing the same.

woman by doja cat played lowly from my tv as we maneuvered around my room, double checking our bags and putting extra stuff in them.

i was very excited for this trip. sam has an idea of the things we're doing, but she doesn't know everything on the itinerary. plus i'm just ready to spend time with her outside of what we're used to. of course we're going to the beach and what not, but i also have plans for us to go to an amusement park, aquarium, several malls, bars, and whatever else we can get into. i honestly wouldn't mind just laying up in the hotel with her, but it's her birthday and i'm sure she wants to do more than that. which is why i planned the trip in the first place.

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