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so far today has been pretty boring, which is typical for a monday. in my first few classes my teachers decided to go for the lecture approach, so i've been rushing to scribble down notes all morning.

i haven't seen sam besides in history, which is odd because one of us usually spot the other before this time, but i'm not worried about it. we've been texting occasionally so i know nothing's wrong.

i'm now heading to my pre-calc class, which shouldn't be as lecture-focused. and thankfully i have a good math teacher this year, mr. harris, so i partially enjoy that class.

speaking of teachers, ms. darbus has been a delightful one. it's not that she wasn't sweet before, but lately she's been going out of her way to speak to me after class and ask how i've been outside of school. she also gave me permission to come to her class at any time throughout the day, which was greatly appreciated.

i also think she knows about sam and i, though she doesn't make it obvious.

my thoughts came to a close as i came up on room 112, my pre-calc class. i opened the door and quietly walked to my seat, trying to avoid the few stares i got from people. class didn't start till maybe another five minutes so i wasn't late or anything, people are just nosey.

camille was sitting in the seat next to mine, per usual, but she looked different. her face was kinda puffy and she wasn't done up like usual. i sat down and greeted her politely, but didn't bring it up because i didn't wanna make her feel worse than she looked like she felt. camille waved back, giving me a forced smile.

shortly after that mr. harris made an entrance and began teaching. i payed attention to what he was writing on the board and wrote down additional notes i felt like i needed. the rest of them were in the power point he said he would be posting on google classroom.

after he taught the beginning of the lesson, he gave us a follow up exercise to do with our desk partner. everyone began to discuss quietly with their partner and since mine was camille, i turned to her slightly.

she didn't look very ready to do any socializing/discussing right now.


"... yeah?"

"um, i can tell you're not in the mood to do this right now, so if you want i can-" i was cut off by her shaking her head disapprovingly. she sat up and rubbed her head, sighing.

"no, i don't want you to do all the work. sorry for being so unenthusiastic, just not having the best day."

"well, i know you know how to do this because you're smart as hell. so how about we finish it real quick and then we can talk about it?"

she nodded in agreement, picking up her pencil and turning to the exercises. i smiled and did the same, going to work on the problems.

a little more than ten minutes later we had both finished them and went over the answers.

"so, tell me what's goin' on." i turned to her in my seat fully.

"my friends have been actin kinda weird, like very recently. and as of today i've noticed they kinda been excluding me purposely, but subtly. like when we all were together today they were talking over me and every time i said something they kinda disregarded it. i don't know why tho and it's makin' me sad..." she slid down into her seat with a pout.

"have you brought it up to them yet?"

"no, not yet because it only started today so i'm not sure if this is gonna continue or not," and she shrugged.

"well i mean if it continues i think you should definitely bring it up. and if they can tell it's makin' you upset then they shouldn't even be doing it, especially if you haven't done anything to them."

"i agree, i feel like they know it's makin me upset, but the weird thing is they keep doing it. i don't know tho, maybe i just need to take a minute to think about and then bring it up to them at the end of the day."

i nodded in agreement and gave her a reassuring smile. she faintly smiled back.

"where you go for lunch?" she asked abruptly.

"me and sam usually sit outside or just leave to get food, but i think today we're eating outside."

"would you mind if i joined y'all? not really looking forward to getting ignored..." and trailed off.

"i don't mind at all, we can go together to meet up with sam after class alright?"



class went by pretty fast after that. mr. harris taught a little bit more but it was really just touching on what we would do tomorrow. before we knew it, camille and i were headed towards the lunchroom to get food.

i had a love-hate relationship with school lunch. sometimes it was good and sometimes it just wasn't, and usually when it isn't i just buy some chips or snacks from the vending machine. that looked like the case today because the menu wasn't looking too appetizing.

i texted sam before we left and told her we would meet her in our usual spot in the courtyard. so, i hurried to the vending machine while camille brought her a slushie from the lunchroom. i ended up getting some fruit snacks and a bag of chips, which would serve as my lunch today.

camille followed behind me when we made it outside, obviously not knowing where we were going. there wasn't a lot of people in the courtyard, which was normal because most of them were in the lunchroom, so it wasn't hard to spot sam sitting in our usual spot underneath our tree.

well it wasn't ours, but you know what i mean.

sam looked up at the sound of our footsteps and smiled, standing up to greet us.

she came to hug me first, making playful remarks at which i returned. then she turned to camille and greeted her politely, followed by an awkward fist bump.

we all sat down under the shade of the tree, on the blanket sam had down. i was in the middle while camille sat criss-crossed to my right and sam on my left. we began conversing, talking about how our classes have been today and upcoming events while we ate.

even though the two were awkward at first i could tell they were starting to warm up to each other. i let them enjoy themselves, beginning to engage in a conversation about clothing brands. i quietly ate my fruit snacks, adding my input every now and then.

after lunch camille went off on her own, since she didn't have a class next period. unlike sam and i, who had ms. darbus together next period.

"she's nicer than i expected her to be." sam spoke as we walked back inside the school.

"i told you she was, you thought i was lyin?" i asked her playfully. she shook her head and chuckled at me.

we were quiet the rest of the way, walking slowly towards ms. darbus' room. once we made it we were greeted with her warm smile. i looked around the room, noticing not many people were here yet since it was kind of early.

"hey ms. darbus!" sam and i said in sync.

"hey my babies, y'all can go ahead and take a seat. today's class is gonna be a heavy one so prepare yourselves..."


i literally didn't know how to end this chapter, so i hope it turned out well😭

school has been kicking my ass, quite literally, so that's why i haven't been updating as often. but i will be writing when i can.

don't forget to vote and comment.

if no one has told you today, i love you🤎.

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