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i woke up in a good mood this morning so i decided to cook breakfast for the whole house, that being my mom, dad, and i. not much to their surprise because when i was in a good mood, i'd cook, or ramble, or play my speaker really loud and dance.

this morning i decided on the first.

i fixed chicken and waffles (mainly because i wanted an excuse to use the waffle maker) for the three of us. and i washed off some fruit to serve beside their relatively unhealthy meal, especially my dad with the amount of syrup he had on his plate.

i know my parents enjoyed it because, not to toot my own horn, but i'm a pretty good cook. and if i didn't know that, their empty plates told me all i needed.

it was now around mid-afternoon and i decided i wanted it fix some strawberry brownies. my dad came downstairs when i first started and asked if he could assist. i was hesitant at first because he wasn't the best at cooking, or following instructions; but i figured it would be good bonding time.

"did you mix the wet ingredients together?" i asked, looking over my shoulder to glance at him.

"i did. now we add it to the dry stuff right?" he walked over to me with bowl, of what i'm assuming is the wet ingredients, in his hands.

"yep." i could see him nod and smirk in my peripheral, as if he just grasped a foreign concept.

which wasn't too far from the truth, baking isn't his area of specialty.

"ok, you can come pour it." he maneuvered to my side and i peeked over in his bowl. it looked like it was supposed to, and all of the liquids were mixed evenly.

he poured it in slowly while i mixed it steadily, making sure to get out the lumps. after that the oven beeped, letting us know it was heated to the appropriate temperature. i let my dad grease the brownie pan and pour the pink batter in. i would've done it myself but he seemed like he was having fun so i let him. i put in the oven and set a timer for 15 minutes so i wouldn't forget to come check on them.

my dad plopped down in one of the barstools, blowing out a breath of exhaustion. i began to clean up the little mess we made, throwing away eggshells and tossing utensils in the sink.

i looked over the brownies once more before finally sitting down. i lifted myself onto the counter, pulling out my phone and scrolling through tiktok. i saw this one video of a little boy continuously saying 'thank you' to his mommy after she gave him food. i added it to my favorites, finding it adorable.

"leilani." my dad spoke, in attempt to gain my attention. i hummed, letting him know i was listening.

"i wanted to ask you about the girl you've been getting closer with, sam, right?" i turned my phone off and averted my gaze to him, nodding to assure his question.

"what about her?" i asked.

"y'all are friends, close friends i think. and you haven't told me much about her... i just wanted to ask about her?" he sounded hesitant and i mentally smiled, knowing he meant well.

"yea i'll tell you about her-", and i paused to turn a bit since my dad was sitting at the counter behind me.

"well, her favorite color is orange. she likes music a lot, like i do, so that's something we bond over. she likes to draw, and she's really good at it, specifically clothes. she wants to be a clothing designer. she's kind to me and i can tell she cares about me." i spewed the first few things that came to mind, not getting too personal. my dad was smiling so i took that as a good sign.

"well that's good, i can tell you care about her too." his smile formed into a mischievous grin and i tilted my head in question.

"what you mean by that?"

"leilani i'm not blind. i can see that you like her and i'm not mad about it. from what i've seen she treats you well and you never seem to stop smiling around her..."

he sat up straighter and looked at me sympathetically.

"look, i know i was a little slow to coming around and i know our relationship has suffered from it, and that's all on me. it was just unexpected and i didn't know how to react, but i'm learning. i love you no matter what. it doesn't matter what your sexual orientation is and i'm sorry for making you feel otherwise."
he said sincerely.

i couldn't think of anything to say besides thank you, but i figured he already knew that because of my expression. i brought him into a hug and he squeezed me tightly, but gently, assuring me we were ok.

"thank you." i whispered into his shoulder.

"don't mention it.", and i could tell by his tone that he was smiling.

after a few seconds we pulled apart and i dabbed my teary eyes with my shirt sleeve.

since i felt more comfortable now, i decided to tell him about the fair tomorrow. i was only gonna tell my mom but it felt nice to know (for sure) i had both my parents on the same page.

"she asked me to go to the fair with her tomorrow, kind of like a date." i said casually, masking my excitement.

"well aren't you gonna go?"

"yea, i just wanted to tell you," and i shrugged.

"that's good. i hope you can start telling me things a lot more often now..."


i hope y'all are doing well during theses times and staying safe, i know i don't know you but i truly thank you for supporting my book, even if it's just a comment or vote🤎.

how are y'all feeling mentally? to tell you the truth i'm not too good myself. my pm's are always open if you wanna talk, or you can comment if you want. i love you, incase no one has told you today🤍.

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