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lil author's note: i suggest listening to from florida with love by drake a few times beforehand so you can catch the vibe✨.


"hey sam." i greeted her back with a smile.

we met each other in middle of the hallway and hugged, squeezing one another momentarily, without hesitation like before. i got a whiff of her scent and my eyes nearly rolled back, she smelt like some sort of perfume and vanilla.

we disconnected after a couple seconds and i watched as she looked over my appearance.

"you wear glasses?", and her eyebrows arched in confusion.

"not usually, i wear my contacts most of the time." i shrugged. sam only nodded and gave me a soft smile.

"they're cute, like you."

"thank you...-", i replied and took a minute to look over her appearance.

she wore a dark red hoodie with a white t-shirt on underneath that fell farther than. her slightly sagging ripped jeans had primary colored spots on them that almost looked spray painted. she wore the same air forces as me but they looked newer, like they had just been bought.

"you look cute." i shrugged playfully.

sam placed a hand over her heart and gasped, pretending to be offended "cute? that's all i get?"

"well that's all i got, wasn't it?" i replied matter- of-factly and she waved me off.

"you know you more than cute, i shouldn't have to tell you that..." she trailed off, more so to herself than to me but i heard it.

when neither of us said anything she held her hand out, gesturing for me to take it, and i did. we began walking through the empty halls and towards the exit.

for the most part it was a uninterrupted walk, since everyone was in class, though we had to duck off in a few corners to hide from random staff members wandering the halls.

we finally made it to the exit and i stepped in front of her to open the door dramatically, "you first."

sam only chuckled and walked through, pausing afterwards so i could join her side again. once i did we connected hands and she led me through the parking lot to her car, which was some type of toyota.

i didn't know much about cars, unless it was my own.

sam pulled her keys out of her pocket, hit the unlock button, and opened the passenger door for me.

"you first." she mocked. i rolled my eyes and got in, observing the interior of her car. it wasn't anything fancy, same as mine, but she kept it clean and i liked that.

she walked around the front and got into the drivers seat, closing the door and throwing her bag in the backseat. said girl crunk the car up and handed me the aux, much to my surprise.

"oh you givin me the aux already? we might as well be besties." i commented in a joking manner and she laughed at me with a nod.

i hooked my phone up and went to spotify (because apple music is trash) to pick out one of my playlists.

i would put my liked songs on shuffle but i didn't wanna embarrass myself like that yet. i'll fuck around and have her listening to every music genre there is.

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