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i stood in front of my closet, eyes wandering over the articles of clothing stacked and hung up.

today was the day sam and i were going to the fair, so i was looking for an outfit. i already took my shower earlier, and i braided my hair last night so all i have to do is unravel them.

it wasn't hot outside but it was kinda chilly, and i'm cold natured so i was looking for something i would be covered in. i laid eyes on a pair of men's bootcut jeans that i purchased recently and tossed them on my bed. i contemplated before pulling out a few white graphic tees and my air forces, scattering them all over my bed.

after mixing and matching the shirts and pulling out a few jackets, i finally had an outfit i was happy with so i moved on to my hair.

i moved over to my little desk/vanity area where i kept all of my 'girly things' and sat down in front of my mirror. i pulled off my bonnet to reveal my dookie braids and began to gently unravel them, being careful to separate the curls so it wouldn't create more frizz. i've been dealing with my natural hair since i was little so all of these little details are a subconscious doing.

once i finished unraveling them all i shaped my hair in the mirror, getting it to look how i wanted it. this part was usually annoying but my hair decided to cooperate today so it took no longer than a few minutes.

i heard the facetime ringtone faintly from behind and i got up to search for my phone. i found it lying under my covers and smiled at the caller id,


i swiped the green icon and soon, i could see and hear the girl who i would be with in less than an hour.

"laniiiii!" sam dragged playfully, her eyes crinkling from the big smile she was giving me.

"bubbaaaa!" i smiled back and replied with the same energy, although i was a little quieter. i could tell she was walking around somewhere, probably her kitchen.

"you getting ready?" she asked.

"yeah i'm putting on my fit right now, are you?" i set my phone face up on the dresser so that i wasn't in view while i got dressed.

"i been ready, just waitin on you."

"well am i coming to get you or are you coming to get me? you never really told me how that would work..." i added. she only gave me a place and a time, but we never really discussed the transportation part. we both have cars though so i guess we figured it would work out regardless.

"imma come pick you up since the fair is closer to yo side." i nodded but then realized she couldn't see me so i replied with an ok.

she didn't say anything after that so i finished putting on my outfit. i looked over it in my full body mirror and smiled in satisfaction, the outfit come together just how i imagined.

i definitely would be taking pictures later.

i grabbed my phone and flipped the camera so sam could see my outfit. then i realized she had me on pause and frowned.

"sam, take me off paused."

her face appeared back on the screen and i noticed she was now in her room, "look at my fit, it's cute ain't it?"

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