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Snow crunches under my boots while I follow the Assassin across the main courtyard of the Black Guard headquarters, it's cold and Ruby let me borrow her warm cape made of giant reptile leather lined with wolf fur to avoid freezing to death.... I think I've never worn so many layers of clothing at the same time. But it's worth it, despite having to hide my red nose behind the scarf and feeling tears filling my eyes because of the cold wind, I can't help looking around in shock: Baalberith is a beautiful city under the snow. Even if the sky is cloudy and there's not enough light, the snowy blanket makes everything look clean and light and the snow has removed the smell of blood and putrefaction that sometimes drifts over the city coming from the God of War's temple.

I feel peace and satisfied with the decision I made to come here for a second. It's not always like that, I think it was a mistake most days and nightmares haunt me in my dreams every night: Kevan covered in blood making fun of me, telling me I'd be better with him in the light elves' kingdom, swearing that I'll die tortured and sacrificed to the terrible gods dark elves worship while Ruby stays indifferent. And the worst thing is that, when I wake up, I know it's not a nightmare and there's a reasonable chance that this happens. But there's no turning back, this is what I chose and I must focus on surviving and on finding the way to get out of this situation alive. I know I can do it, there's always a way, I only need to draw up a plan carefully and pick out good allies.

Maybe Khrise can be one of them although I'm not sure I should trust dark elves, even if they seem friendly when they sit down next to me to drink wine and talk. Fights in her blood pit are exciting but often too bloody in the end since she shows no mercy no matter the circumstances. Ruby bet all her money on the winner and she was busy counting the gold coins while I explained her ex-lover who gladiators were and how they managed to survive even when they lost fights: the audience had mercy if they had showed exceptional bravery and skills. Khrise admitted she'd lost some good fighters that would've deserved a second opportunity but the game in Baalberith was different and her audience wouldn't allow it, besides, she had lot of slaves available.

No, I don't think Khrise will help me voluntarily, above all if she knows my intentions but I could fool her pretending that I'm working on a task for the Queen. I need to think about this deeply but I won't have time today because the Captain of the Guard has invited us to visit the stables near the barracks, I guess he wants me to take a look and improve them somehow. I know soldiers are really satisfied with their new kitchen and dining room because the soup arrives hot to the table and training rooms are clean and ventilated now. I have more ideas to implement... I'll be busy and that will keep me alive.

"Terrible Lord..." I mumble bowing politely. Ruby's father is waiting for us at the stable door along with two guards and another elf and his black armour sparkles under the light reflected by the snow, it never ceases to amaze me that dark elves are able to wander around without a cape even if they wear good wool clothes but I don't understand how they don't die of hypothermia when the only thing covering their torso is a leather doublet and some metal plates on top of it.

"Advisor... and my dear daughter..." Ruby smiles amused and rolls her eyes, showing the Captain that she knows he only calls her like that when he wants something from her or the Queen has showed us her support publicly.

"What can we do for you... dad?" The Assassin hesitates before spiting the word out like it tastes awful in her mouth.

"He's Urian and is in charge of taking care of Baalberith's special animals..." I frown confused, watching the tall and skinny elf who's staring at me with curiosity, as if I were an odd specimen.

"We call him the Beast Lord: he takes care of Seraphon for the King, the Queen's winged horse, their pet wolves too..." Ruby explains quietly and I nod finally.

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