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"I've been wearing dark clothes for so long that I'm not used to this..." Iselen shakes her head, looking at herself in the mirror of the cabin while buttoning up a light yellow coloured tunic, grimacing when she realizes that the colour doesn't look good on her. Her skin is too pale after so many years living in Baalberith where the sun doesn't shine often and she needs flashy colours to stand out. My wife decides to take the garment off with abrupt movements before grabbing a turquoise shirt while I watch her lying on the bed, lost in my thought.

The trip has been comfortable thanks to the Queen's spells and the wonderful design of this pleasure yacht, now I understand why Teilan and Sryne were so happy with the work of my human: the ship is fast and manoeuvrable, food was simple but delicious, the cabin is big and comfortable, weather was nice, no storms, and we managed to dodge all the enemy's ships that patrol the waters of this region frequently. We're very close to the island of the light elves, we're supposed to anchor in a discreet bay this evening, and this is why Iselen is busy packing her stuff. No doubt, this journey has been way easier than the first one we made together, on a tiny boat, arguing nonstop.

I can't help smiling when I remember it... I was so blind back then. I knew something weird was going on inside my head but I refused to admit it was love, I considered that feeling a weakness, but my smart and precious wife has showed me that it can provide as much strength as hatred, thirst for power, pride or desire for revenge. Although love can hurt too, a type of pain I'm not used to feel: I can deal with physical pain, torture, exhaustion, hunger and thirst, they mean nothing to a dark elf. Assassins from the temple are also trained to endure psychological torture but Iselen's betrayal burnt me like a thousand red hot iron knives stabbing my heart.

These past months have been a nightmare because of a thing called "lack of communication," according to my wife. I've never felt like that, so hurt, because I knew that the woman I loved was lying to me and, in addition to that, she didn't want me to help her. It was pretty obvious that she was up to no good, I could see her guilty face every time I asked her about the subject, but she shrugged and denied it again and again. And I understood it because she was working for the King and he had forbidden her from talking about it, probably; Iselen was being an obedient girl, for a change. But other side of my brain told me that, if my wife trusted me, she'd find a way to explain me what was going on without upsetting the Witch King and we could work together the way we were used to.

Apparently, I could've saved myself the misery if I weren't a stubborn idiot. I refused to listen to what she had to tell me about the princess, I didn't want to talk about her doubts, the same doubts all dark elves had deep inside, because I was too concerned about the Queen's reaction. I should've imagined that my impulsive advisor would do something about it, Iselen is not the kind of woman who stays idle, with her arms crossed, in front of a mystery she can solve. My wife was willing to tell me about her plans but she needed some sign from me to show her that I wouldn't get mad at her... but I didn't do that, of course. I was too busy minding my own business and didn't want to take on another task: protect her from the wrath of the Lady of the Dark Elves.

Iselen is my wife before Isha and she should be able to talk to me about whatever she wants without fear, I should've supported her right from the start, helping her to unmask Eldire and staying on her side while confronting the Queen. At least, she wouldn't have caught me off guard: we were waiting to see My Lady so she could approve some blueprints and, a few minutes later, I was almost dying from a heart attack watching my girl being impertinent while talking to the most powerful sorceress of this world. I've never been so terrified in my entire life, I could feel blood getting frozen in my veins when I understood that was about to lose her forever.

But the human is intelligent and has avoided the punishment, once again. It's a miracle that she's alive after living for so many years in Baalberith although I guess that my skills have something to do with this. I smile, looking at her admiringly while she drops another tunic, my signet ring shines on her chest for a second and my grin grows wider. I'd rather see it on her finger but she's decided to hang if from a chain around her neck to hide it under her clothes while we're in Lothern.

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