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I relax in the bathtub full of fresh water and aromatic herbs and smile remembering the confused face of the maid when I told her I didn't want hot water for my bath. Humans are weird and they never cease to amaze me with their ideas, do they really wash up with hot water when outside the sun is turning the cobblestones in a grill? Although I guess my perception of temperature is conditioned by the fact that I'm a dark elf who was born in Baalberith. We have adapted to lower temperatures of our kingdom, or rather those who can't stand them die young. I frown, thoughtfully... it'll be hard for Iselen, I'll have to make sure she's well wrapped up and the witch fire burns brightly in her room when we arrive. Fortunately, there's a warm cape made of giant reptile leather lined with fur of wolves that live in the northern mountains in my bag. It'll be enough for her not to freeze to death during the ride from the port to the castle when we leave the ship.

She fell asleep stuck to my body last night, seeking my skin warmth while I had my arms around her waist and I slept at intervals of some minutes assassin-style, always paying attention to the noises out of the cave and with my knives at hand. Luckily, nothing got closer to us except for a curious rabbit and I knew my brother's men were waiting in the clearing, watching that no one tried to disturb us. It was oddly pleasant... I'm not used to sleep with my lovers, I don't trust them that much and never relax when I'm near a woman who can stab my back easily at any time. But Iselen's body was almost lying on top of me and felt good. She woke up relaxed and smiling, more than ever before, it looked like she'd forgotten who I was while we had the leftovers of my bag for breakfast and we walked to the river where we washed up or faces to clear our minds definitely. Everything was perfect, she was even joking about taking advantage of my skills with my knives to hunt a hare to complete our breakfast, but unfortunately my prediction from the previous day came true: the wizard sent a group of soldiers to find us very early in the morning.

We barely walked for 10 minutes through the forest and I was enjoying the cold morning before the sun sneaked between tree branches, when the riders appeared in the middle of the path. Actually, I was able to hear them coming because they didn't bother to hide the noise they we're making... I had to restrain myself and not rolling my eyes hard, it seems to me that humans are totally unable of doing anything quietly and that's why they're easy victims to kill when the time comes, and then I had to hold back my laughter when I noticed Kevan's furious face when he realized Iselen was wearing my doublet. The wizard was livid and, obviously, he didn't believe our excuses about what happened the day before but he couldn't show it in front of the soldiers. He kept his eyes fixed on Iselen's nape all the way back to Ingstad while she seemed to shrink on the horse's rump feeling the burn of his glare. I didn't like the energy coming from Kevan's body and my fingers tingled because I wanted to grab my knife and slit his throat even if he wasn't aiming that threatening glare at me.

I get out of the bathtub with a sigh and walk towards the bedroom not caring about the water dripping on the hardwood floor, drops on my body make me feel cool and I don't feel like getting dressed and going downstairs to the kitchen for lunch. There's something bothering me... It's pretty obvious that the girl is going to get a lecture because of me, the wizard won't overlook this huge challenge to his authority easily and I wouldn't like to see the flawless skin of that human all bruised... it's not that dark elves are against corporal punishments, obviously, but Iselen is precious to my people and the Queen won't be happy if her new toy ends up damaged... Humans are fragile and Kevan could hurt her seriously if he gets carried away by frustration, I'm sure he'd love to confront me but he can't and she'll pay for it... Besides, Iselen is scared and I still don't know why... Are his punishments that hard? He's a wizard, arrogant and stupid, he could do thousands of cruel things to that girl: manipulate her mind so she has horrible nightmares, torture her making her feel an excruciating pain but leaving no bruises on her skin, cut her sweet flesh with a sharp knife and then heal her wounds only to start again... I know how to do that... I bet he can too.

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