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Iselen fixes the scarf around her neck and looks up in shock, holding the hood of my warm cape made of giant reptile leather lined with wolf fur to stop the cold wind from freezing her ears. The cliff stone walls stand both sides of our ship, so tall that we're barely able to see the dim sunlight coming through the dark grey clouds... It doesn't matter because our pilots are capable of sailing through this narrow passage during the darkest nights, they know every meander and rock by heart, and even the biggest black ark arrives to the port without a scratch on the hull.

I fix my eyes on the human because I know the landscape and her reactions are more interesting, my brother is busy giving orders to the crew and everybody ignores us. I've noticed that Iselen has the ability to make herself invisible, she always seems to know what's the corner where she can stand and not bother other people who are working; she watches them quietly, not moving, till the crew forgets that she's there and they behave naturally... this way she's able to learn from their conversations, I think sometimes I'm almost able to see the gears turning in her brain while absorbing new information. I wonder if she's done the same with me, the idea that she could know more about me than I assumed initially is disturbing and appealing at the same time... has she been monitoring my movements? Focusing all her attention on me? I feel oddly flattered...

Our trip was great, we've sailed really fast since we didn't have to stop to loot villages and the hold is empty with no slaves and cargo, in addition to that my brother is an outstanding captain. The only tense moment happened when Iselen found the six copper cauldrons and remembered her lover Aerie had bought them for me, I didn't know how she'd take the information about her death and hesitated for a second but my brother solved the problem explaining her that the woman left safe and sound after their meeting... He was lying, of course, and judging by his amused grin he thinks that I owe him a favour because he saved my pretty ass from an argument with the human. Damn... I hate owing favours. Fortunately, the girl didn't ask again and she spent her days eating, sleeping, watching the crew working and drawing strategic information about Baalberith from her conversations with me. I've been as honest with her as I could in order to prepare her for her new life her but not scaring her, I'll be in charge of protecting her after all.

Days were boring because there was nothing to do while the ship slid through the water and weather became very cold but nights were pure ecstasy. After the first few times, Iselen stopped behaving shyly and found a new confidence... I realized that my lover is generous and playful, she enjoys giving me control but also cares about my pleasure. Sex was amazing, relaxed... every time she kissed me she was being honest, when her naughty mouth slipped all over my skin I knew she was really enjoying my toned body, when she melded her lips with my core I knew that she wanted nothing from me, she wasn't seeking power or plotting to get a better position in court, she was just enjoying my taste because she wanted it. I've also found out that a well-disposed human without hiding an ulterior motive is the best aphrodisiac and my pointy ears can be an erogenous zone when a girl nibbles and licks them while she buries her fingers deep in my pussy. Everything depends on My Lady right now but I hope she lets me protect her as her bodyguard for a while... I'm not ready to let my new toy go yet.

Suddenly, the Sea of Chill stretches before us and the towers of the Slaver's Gate stand tall to our left. I get closer to Iselen who tries to seek refuge against the cold wind and soft hail behind the gunwale while holding the hood over her head and I grimace, moving even closer: if she thinks it's cold now, she'll freeze to death in a few months trying to take a look out of a window. She needs to toughen up... although I'm being unfair to her, she's just arrived to this kingdom and Baalberith bad weather is legendary. I put my arm around her waist to hug her tight and she looks at me startled, the crew is too busy to notice us and too used to see us together these past weeks so they won't think my gesture is a sign of weakness. She fixes her eyes on my leather doublet over the wool tunic and delicate gloves.

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