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The City of Witchcraft... the place where dark elves come to learn how to be executioners, assassins or necromancers , where the God of War's Brides train to become lethal warriors and where priests in charge of all the temples of the elven pantheon fight to get more power and influence.

They say this is the most dangerous city in the kingdom and some slaves have died from a panic attack before they walked through the door. I think they die because of the stench of rotting blood, neither the sea breeze nor the cold wind coming from the north mountains are capable of removing the smell of hundreds of bodies decomposing. I clear my throat and raise my shoulders pretending that I'm freezing to be able to hide my nose with the scarf around my neck, I can still smell Ruby's perfume stuck to the fabric despite she lent me the garment two days ago and my muscles relax a little. The assassin rides her horse next to me always on guard in case we're attacked even if four black guards escort us and we're here because someone invited us.

The city is amazing given that it's been built with pure white marble, contrary to any other building I've seen in Baalberith where everything is dark like a raven wing, and glows under the shy sun coming through the clouds. The white stone blanket stretches across the plain by the Sea of Chill and only a few towers on top of a hill stand out: it must be the God of War's temple, the place where Ruby learnt how to become an assassin and where we're going to stay for a few days so I can take notes about things to improve. To begin with, I'd like them to stop painting the walls in red, I'm sure the natural white marble would be prettier, till we get closer and I realize it's blood... the entire wall is covered in blood, running from the battlements to the moat, and the colour shows me that's fresh so they add new blood every few hours. I guess it comes from the sacrifices and it's the cause of the horrible stench.

I wish I could go back home. As the days go by, I realize I've made a mistake when I chose the dark elves and should've stayed with Kevan to travel to the light elves kingdom, where I'd be treated with badly disguised disdain by a stupid bunch of blond guys with pointy ears while avoiding the unwelcome attentions of the lecherous wizard for the rest of my life. But I'd be more or less safe, living in a lovely kingdom full of gardens and works of art, and far away from this stink. Only it's too late to turn back... and besides, there's Ruby and she's the only good thing here.

I shudder involuntarily when we ride through the door and understand that the City of Witchcraft isn't that different from Baalberith after all: walls are well-protected and watched, streets are narrow except for one or two wide avenues and they lead to dead ends, it'd be easy for a visitor to get lost and end up killed in this labyrinth... which is what the urban designer wanted to achieve, most likely. Anyway, the sun hardly reaches the pavement of these streets and moss grows in the corners, there're lamps with witch fire hanging on every façade but only a handful of people walk freely through the city. Dark elves never expose themselves to murderers in alleys unless they have something very important to do and those who can afford it pay for a professional bodyguard.

Sryne, the lady I have to call Saint, rules this city on behalf of the King from the Tower of Prophecy. The Head of the God of War's Brides works in a complicated position and, according to Ruby, it's a miracle that she's managed to survive for such a long time although it's pretty obvious she's an outstanding warrior. The God's brides are always smart and strong, cruel and bloodthirsty, flawless and well-trained killing machines, they think for themselves and even the High Priestess Helien fears them despite she's the official leader of the cult... But the Queen is the first one of the God's Brides, like an honorary president, and this is why Sryne must please the King and follow Helien's orders but trying not to offend the Queen at the same time... Her diplomatic skills must be amazing... The assassin admires her a lot, she always smiles when talking about her mentor, an honest grin I've only seen a few times on her face... I wonder if that shooting pain I feel in my chest sometimes is caused by jealousy.

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