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My brother's men have done a good job finding out the information I asked them, it wasn't easy since that damned wizard is a very cautious person and just a few chosen in Ingstad know where his den really is: there're a lot of towers in the palace where the Council meets but now I know which one he picked out and I've drawn up a plan to reach it that allows me to dodge the guards. There's a party tonight at the manor of one of the wealthiest merchants of this city and the most prominent citizens are going to attend along with the advisers. I've excused myself and won't go tonight saying that... nothing. I don't owe explanations to anyone, least of all to those mediocre bureaucrats. I just told them I wouldn't go and not a single one dared to ask why. Actually, I think they felt relieved, now they'll be able to eat, drink and talk about whatever they want without worrying that I can get pissed off with them and turn the dining room into a slaughterhouse. Iselen will be there, I could've taken advantage of the party to get closer to her in an environment where she'd feel safe, but the wizard will be there watching her like a hawk. That's why I've decided to sneak in his office in order to find out what he's up to although I've given up the opportunity of spending more time with my target. I don't care since the girl is where I want her and she'll follow me when the time comes. I'm not worried about that...

I roll my shoulders while watching my reflection in the mirror and smile. I feel good... it's been a while since the last time I wore my "assassin uniform" and I've missed it so much. A pair of soft leather boots that don't make any noise while I walk and protect my legs to my knees, pants a warm tunic in a dark grey colour, and a wide leather belt that allows me to hide several weapons: my knives, the thin metallic string I use to strangle my targets when I need them to die quietly, a couple of small bottles with explosive substances that the Queen gave me as a present, several poisons because they're the speciality of assassins and also sleeping herbs. And courva root, a plant that elves use as a stimulant, it sharpens our senses and allows us to ignore pain in case we get injured. Also hushalta... although I don't like to use it unless I'm in a safe place. The bitter-tasting liquid extracted from several plants accelerates the healing of any wound but it induces a deep sleep plagued by vivid nightmares and horrible hallucinations, it leaves you in a vulnerable situation for hours and I don't like to drink it if can avoid it. Some elves have died stabbed in real life while they twisted in bed trying to heal a former wound and besides, if you take too much you can lose your memory and even go crazy.

Two narrow belts crossed over my chest allow me to hang two short swords from my back with a narrow and curved blade, assassins usually work in the shadows and stab you in the back but sometimes we need to fight face to face and my father is one of the best swordsmen of the kingdom so I took as a challenge to learn how to handle them. Most of my workmates don't consider it essential and prefer to focus on martial arts and even archery but I wanted to know if I'd be able to beat my father... I didn't succeed, yet... The old guy is too good but I keep training hard and one day I'll beat him. The Captain of the Guard thinks that accepting my "friendly" challenges is funny and checks on my progress frequently while his officers make bets around us. I have no illusions about that, my father only loves himself and wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice his children if it suits his plans, but after our last fight when I managed to scratch his arm with my sword... I think he was looking at me with a hint of pride in his eyes.

Another knife in my boot and two stilettos firmly secured under the leather bracers that protect my forearms compete my equipment. I lift up the scarf around my neck in order to cover my mouth and put the cape over my shoulders before pulling the hood over my head. Perfect, only my eyes are visible but if I keep my forehead low I can hide my shiny eyes while peeping under the hem of the dark grey fabric. Assassins trained at the temple never dress in black despite humans believe so, we'd become a shadow too dark moving through the night that would stand out too much, grey is better to blend in with our surroundings. I'm going to be hot even if I've picked out my lighter uniform, although according to Ingstad's standards this is a cool night , but there's nothing I can do... I'd better go, I have a long walk ahead.

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