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"Why is everybody so nervous?" I ask confused, taking a look around at the massive great hall of the fortress that's shining thanks to the hundreds of witch fire torches. It's also shining because it's cleaner than ever before since the portable scaffolding I designed, way lighter, makes the servants' work easier and I also told them to restore the antique tapestries hanging from the walls that tell the great feats of the Great King, the Witch King's father. Colours are vivid again and the golden embroidery work sparkles like it did long time ago.

Today is the first autumn meeting and most lords and noble ladies are here, the season is over and elven corsairs came back last week loaded with riches and slaves, as usual. I've been very busy supervising the accountants that keep a record of the taxes they all pay to the King and Queen and I'm still waiting for the head of the House of Uthorin, Lord of the Slaves' Gate and sworn enemy of the Captain of the Black Guard, to send me the percentage of the profits from the slave market that belongs to the King so I can balance de books finally. That man hates me because I'm Ruby's partner and she killed his son in the northern fortress thanks to my battle plan so every year he shirks his duties till I get angry and tell him I'll complain to the Queen.

My beautiful wife turns around to look at me in disbelief and exasperated at the same time, the same facial expression I see every time she believes I'm making a mistake, I know she's about rolling her eyes and tell me something that's pretty obvious to her despite I've missed it somehow. It doesn't matter, I know Ruby watches my back even if I'm too focused on my job to realize what's going on around me. Tonight, she's the reason why I'm not paying attention to the guests because she looks stunning wearing a silk shirt and a fancy doublet embroidered with silver thread, it's too hot in here for these dark elves thanks to my underfloor heating system and they don't need their coats and fur capes, not till it starts snowing heavily again, at least. I know lot of ladies are grateful because they can show off their best silk dresses finally and I can wear one made of velvet, only the fabric is lighter than usual.

"Seriously, Iselen? We've been talking about this before," I frown, perplexed, trying to remember if she told me that this court party was going to be special for some reason while I fix my eyes on her perfect, plump lips. The assassin snorts, exasperated, before pointing with her thumb at the hall door. "There were some tensions among low-status families, there were rumours that one of them was about attacking another clan to take their place in the court and rise through the ranks, it's been the talk of Baalberith for weeks..."

"Really? I'm sorry, babe, I've been very busy with the account books, bureaucracy, paperwork..." Ruby Rose raises an eyebrow, looking at me with a straight face. "Listen, you have no idea how difficult this is, I suck at maths and I'm not a genius economist and finance investor, I have to focus in order to avoid mistakes," I admit quietly.

"I understand, Iselen, but you have to pay attention," the assassin whispers staring at me intently. "Low-status noble families stab each other frequently but, sometimes, one of them manages to jump up to the middle status but they're not satisfied with that, they want more: they can become our enemies in the future. It's better if we monitor their movements since the beginning..."

"I though you were not interested in court machinations..."

"I hate them," Ruby cuts me off abruptly. "All that gossiping, those plans progressing slowly, building alliances patiently and breaking them the next day... I'm a woman of action and all that work seems like a waste of time but, even if I don't like it, I must remain on alert to know what's going on around me because this is the only way to survive in Baalberith... and to keep you alive too."

"Yes, Dread Lady, you're right... I'm sorry," I answer pouting. "I'll pay attention from now on, I promise." Ruby rolls her eyes because she knows we've had this conversation before and it didn't work. "What's going on?"

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