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"Seriously, Ruby? One of my boys has just cleaned the deck..."

"Since when is blood bothering you, brother?" I ask mockingly while walking on the wooden boards leaving footprints behind me because of the wizard's blood. My companion looks down startled, luckily her clothes are clean, before raising her head and realizing that the whole crew is staring at her. My guts get tensed due to my anxiety but I don't show it and I keep smiling at my brother, the human has chosen to follow me to this new life and, depending on her behaviour from now on, my task will be easier or more difficult... Everybody knows she's weaker than a dark elf on this ship but, if she chickens out, keeping her alive would be almost impossible. "Let me introduce you to Iselen, the queen's adviser..." I stress the word to remind them that the girl won't be a toy for them to have fun and if they torture her our Lady will demand explanations... if I don't kill them before they can even touch her, of course. "He's my brother, Argyle..."

"Dread Lord... Thank you for receiving me on your ship..." Iselen bows her head respectfully and remains firm on her feet faking confidence, with her fingers entwined in front of her abdomen to hide the fact that they're shaking, most likely, I can see her rapid pulse on the artery of her neck but only because I'm very close to her. The crew whispers surprised, humans have a reputation for being uncouth but this girl shows exquisite manners, those tricks she learnt to look meek and polite in front of an abusive wizard and a hostile Council will be of great help.

"Welcome..." Argyle smiles coldly, looking at her from head to toe while leaning his hand on the handle of his curved dagger that's hanging from his hip casually, checking my girl's reaction. The truth is that I've been using my elven charm while I was staying in Ingstad in order to look less menacing but this cruel grin and arrogant attitude, this sort of coldness that emanates from my brother and makes our enemies shiver of fear is characteristic of the dark elves and something she has to get used to from now on. Iselen nods and keeps breathing steadily, her eyes rake all over my brother's chest and arms, focusing her attention on the embellishment of his leather bracers and the fancy embroidery work on his tunic collar that show he belongs to a high social status but avoiding looking right into his eyes. The sun is rising over the horizon lighting up the dark wooden planks of this corsair ship: it's time for us to get the hell out of here.

"Our luggage?" I ask with a soft tone of voice while putting my arm around my girl's waist, I can feel that her muscles are really tensed but she doesn't show it and keeps looking at my brother and ignoring the rest of the crew. Argyle nods and his grin is a bit warmer now, it doesn't mean Iselen is out of danger but she's passed this first test successfully and my brother appreciates the fact that she hasn't died terrified at his feet begging for mercy like humans usually do.

"In your cabin, I also left some breakfast on the table..." The elf points at a door and we both follow him to a narrow corridor in the quarterdeck. "I picked it out in person but I can try a bite in front of you if you want..."

"You don't need to," I cut him off abruptly opening the door of the same cabin I occupied to travel to Ingstad. "Our lives and the honour of our family depend on the success of this mission, none of us want to see the queen or our father furious and if you poison me they'd get a bit upset..." I wink at him mockingly while reminding him subtly why he can't hurt us, no matter how much he'd love to kick my ass right now only to hear me screaming, and I wave my hand gesturing at Iselen to walk in. "I guess you're busy getting ready to sail..." Argyle nods and understands I want him to leave us alone, he averts his eyes one second looking for Iselen who's standing in the middle of the room calmly before saying goodbye and closing the door. I turn the lock and sigh relieved before leaning my back on the wooden surface.

"You look alike... physically..." the human waves her hand pointing at my face before flopping down on a chair like her legs feel weak suddenly... a normal reaction finally.

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