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50 years later.

Someone is following me, I know it, even if I can't hear this person's footsteps. I've developed a sharp sixth sense that has helped me to stay alive in this hostile kingdom thanks to my assassin and her lessons these past years. My back gets slightly tensed while I weight in my mind if they're a threat or not and my hand touches the pommel of the dagger that's hanging from my belt.

It's an elf no doubt, cautious, stealthy, their clothes don't make noise when they move, I can't hear them breathing, I don't even feel a subtle vibration on the floor when they walk because their footsteps are lighter than a human slave's footsteps. I bet they're armed, elves always carry a sword or a dagger when they walk down the fortress corridors despite this place is not as dark as it used to be thanks to the mirrors behind the torches that multiply the light and it's not easy to set up an ambush. They're not icy cold either, thanks to my underfloor heating, the wonderful invention that keeps a bearable temperature although massive halls are difficult to heat up, but at least I'm not at risk of freezing to death anymore.

I turn and head to another corridor taking a quick look at the floor to check if I can see the elf's shadow behind me. No, whoever they are, they know what they're doing, they trained at the God of War's temple, probably. What if this is one of Sryne's girls? I don't think so, I haven't fought with her recently, she still hates me, of course, but tolerates me because my inventions are useful, the same that happens with the High Priestess, Helien. She has no reasons to kill me, not more than yesterday, at least.

It's stopped snowing in Baalberith but grey clouds cover the sky, as usual, and the light is dim out there although the ice on windowsills and tower gargoyles sparkle like diamonds. Maybe I should take a witch fire torch to walk across the small courtyard since I can't see in the darkness as well as elves do, but that would give away my position and my enemies could attack me. Is the elf following me one of them? Could they be an assassin sent by the Captain's wife? Did that viper find out finally that my assassin killed her son to save me? I don't know how she got that information...

I raise my gloved hand to lean it on a doorknob and wait for a few seconds, listening carefully, feeling the elf getting closer... feeling... A smile spreads across my face and my muscles get relaxed immediately. She puts her arms around my waist, dragging me towards her torso and her perfume goes to my head like the best wine, I can hear the leather of her jacket rustling when she holds me tighter finally and her breath fans my ear when she leans forward, her soft lips graze my skin sending a shiver down my spine.

"You shouldn't be wandering around these corridors alone, even if you're the Queen's favourite advisor, there're still lot of people that want to kill you."

"I know but I can fight back now thanks to you and besides, I knew it was you anyways," I whisper smiling while Ruby catches my earlobe between her lips, making me shudder. "I felt your eyes on my butt. An assassin that wants so stab me with a knife wouldn't look at that spot." My precious elven lady chuckles when I turn around between her arms to be able to hug her too. Her mouth is tantalizingly close and I can't help leaning forward to kiss her, our tongues dance in sync for a few minutes, she tastes familiar after all these years but it's still exciting. Ruby Rose still can drive me crazy with one kiss.

"You should be careful, my love," she replies holding me tight against her body till I can feel the pommel of the dagger she hides inside her jacket. "You know dark elves are still vengeful, jealous and selfish murderers and you're a cream puff, my wife before Isha."

"You're right, you're still a bunch of ruthless pirates but so beautiful..." I whisper looking right into her eyes, they look greener than ever before because of the witch fire, hypnotizing me while she smiles at my praise. "I feared that the comforts I brought to your kingdom these past years would've softened the members of your race, but better food, better weapons, hot baths... they only managed to make you more aggressive and arrogant."

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